We have a LOC Monthly meeting scheduled for Thursday January 28th@16.00. Please see the details below.
Regards, Ruchika
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Joakim Bech via OP-TEE op-tee@lists.trustedfirmware.org Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 at 21:38 Subject: Linaro OP-TEE Contributions meeting January 2021 To: OP-TEE TrustedFirmware op-tee@lists.trustedfirmware.org
LOC monthly meeting is planned to take place Thursday January 28th@16.00 (UTC+1). This time we have two guest speakers, with two different topics. - Clément Faure (NXP): HW crypto accelerator integration with crypto framework in OP-TEE - Sumit Garg (Linaro): TEE based Trusted Keys
This might take the whole meeting, but feel free to suggest topics you'd like to discuss otherwise (by replying to this email or write it directly in the meeting notes).
Meeting details: --------------- Date/time: Thursday January 28th@16.00 (UTC+1) https://everytimezone.com/s/c43ea835 Connection details: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/ Meeting notes: http://bit.ly/loc-notes Project page: https://www.linaro.org/projects/#LOC
Regards, Joakim on behalf of the Linaro OP-TEE team