Unfortunately this meeting is at 3am my time so attendance is unlikely.
I am interested in what (if anything) members think about vector databases? For those not aware, vector databases are a key component for some machine learning systems. This does seem like an area where we might have some common interests that good performing solutions for Arm systems need to exist.
What is a vector database? https://medium.com/vector-database/what-are-vector-databases-8100178c5774
TL;DR Vector databases offer database functionality (query, storage etc) over a large collection of unstructured data.
On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 12:21 PM Leonardo Augusto Guimarães Garcia leonardo.garcia@linaro.org wrote:
Hello everybody,
This is just a reminder that we will have a Databases on Arm public meeting this week on Wednesday, 24 May.
Please, remember to bring your topics to the discussion. Our main topic lately has been issues with MySQL on Arm, including any configuration changes that would improve performance.