Yes please, I will coordinate internally to allocate the tickets.
Best Regards,
________________________________ Nan Zhou (周楠) Standardization & Industry Dev. Dept., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18676769750
发件人: Joyce Qi 发送时间: 2022年12月20日 3:49 收件人: Zhounan (Nan, SID); Jonathan Cameron via Linaro-open-discussions; K00904513 主题: Fwd: LPM and Linaro Connect London April 24-28 2023
Hi Nan,Jonathan,Kangkang,
Welcome Huawei to join Linaro Connect London and LPM meeting on April 24-28 2023. As our core membership, Huawei has 5 free tickets,and you can book the hotel now.
@Nan, will I share the free register code to you?
Thanks:) Joyce
发件人: Andrea Gallo <> 主题: LPM and Linaro Connect London April 24-28 2023 日期: 2022年12月16日 GMT+8 上午5:07:28 收件人: Andrew Wafaa <>, Andy Harker <>, Anmar Oueja <>, Azzedine Touzni Qualcomm <>, Bill Fletcher <>, "Northway, Craig" <>, Daniel Thompson <>, Davide Ricci <>, Don Harbin <>, Ebba Simpson <>, Eric Finco <>, Fang liu <>, Gen Shimada <>, Grant Likely <>, Hansheng Tan <>, James King <>, "Jammy.Zhou" <>,, Jered Floyd <>, Joakim Bech <>, Joe Bates <>, Jonathan Cameron <>, Jon Masters <>, Joyce Qi <>, Kangkang Shen <>, Kangkang Shen <>, Leendert van Doorn <>, Leonardo Garcia <>, Li Gong <>, Loic Pallardy <>, Larry Wikelius <>, Marcus Perryman <>, Mark Hambleton <>, "Wangke (Michael Wang)" <>, Mike Holmes <>, Nicolas Dechesne <>, Kiyoshi Owada <>, Peter Robinson <>,, Rami Husseini <>, Randy Linnell <>, Rob Booth <>, Rob Oshana <>, Ryan Arnold <>,, Scott Bambrough <>, Sean Rogers <>, Satish Sellaiah <>, Sandeep Singhai <>, Tim Benton <>, Todd Kjos <>, Tom Gall <>, Tomas Evensen <>, Trilok Soni <>, Yang Zhang <>,
[Connect_Event_Brite_Address.jpg] Dear members,
The next Linaro Connect will be held in London, United Kingdom, from Wednesday 26 till Friday 28 April 2023 at the Park Plaza Riverbank.
Linaro Member Companies will be eligible for one or more free passes depending on your membership tier and will also get a discounted rate for general tickets. You will soon receive communication from our Events team with your Connect conference registration code via the usual channels.
As discussed during our face-to-face partner meeting last month, we are pleased to confirm that we will hold the next Linaro Partner Meeting the same week as Connect. LPM will start on Monday April 24th at 1pm and will end on Tuesday evening. It will be open to all Core, Club, Group and Project members.
Connect will then follow on Wednesday through Friday.
I am sending a calendar invite for LPM as a placeholder for your convenience, more details will follow in January.
All attendees can start booking a room at the Park Plaza Riverbank using the Linaro group code [LINC23]. Please contact if you have any issue with this code. In the booking page make sure you select the "Promotional Code" (and enter LINC23) in the "selected rate" field.
Best regards
Andrea [Linaro]
Andrea Gallo | VP of Business Development
T: +39.338.4075993 | T: +1 408 495 5430 | Skype: agallo70 (he / him / his)