MCU-Driver-HAL-dev June 2021
  • 3 participants
  • 14 discussions

Agenda for MCU Driver HAL/CI WG call 2021w26
by Marcelo Salazar
3 years, 8 months

MCU-Driver-HAL and CI Combined WG Meeting 2021-06-24 - notes
by Bill Fletcher
3 years, 8 months

Agenda for MCU Driver HAL/CI WG call 2021w25
by Marcelo Salazar
3 years, 8 months

First release of MCU-Driver-HAL v0.1.0
by Marcelo Salazar
3 years, 8 months

MCU-Driver-HAL and CI Combined WG Meeting 2021-06-17 - notes
by Bill Fletcher
3 years, 8 months

Agenda for MCU Driver HAL/CI WG call 2021w24
by Marcelo Salazar
3 years, 8 months

Updated invitation: MCU-Driver-HAL and CI Combined WG Meeting @ Weekly from 15:00 to 16:00 on Thursday (BST) (
by Bill Fletcher
3 years, 8 months

Personal or sensitive information on public mailing lists
by Bill Fletcher
3 years, 9 months

Settling in MCU-Driver-HAL Github org - please make your membership public
by Paul Sokolovsky
3 years, 9 months

Agenda for MCU Driver HAL/CI WG call 2021w23
by Marcelo Salazar
3 years, 9 months
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