Hi All,
The Morello LTP 1.6 integration drop is now available [1]
Main changes: ------------
- Merged upstream LTP 20230127 release (see [2] for details)
- Extended test coverage for Morello project: - activating additional testcases for Morello purecap (siginfo/sigevent related tests from syscalls testsuite)
- securing support for both purecap and plain aarch64 runs of syscalls testsuite through various fixes/clean-ups
- introducing skip files marking known/expected failures of syscalls testsuite
- Improved documentation (including newly introduced skip files)
- Fixes to align with the project's CI requirements (including temporary disabling one of setpgid02 testcases)
Contributions: -------------
Shout out to all the contributors and reviewers for all the work behind getting the changes in, much appreciated!
git shortlog -s -e -n --invert-grep --grep="cherry" morello-release-1.5.0..
8 Teo Couprie Diaz teo.coupriediaz@arm.com 3 Beata Michalska beata.michalska@arm.com 2 Amit Daniel Kachhap amit.kachhap@arm.com
--- [1] https://git.morello-project.org/morello/morello-linux-ltp/-/tags/morello-rel... [2] https://github.com/linux-test-project/ltp/releases/tag/20230127