On 20/12/2022 16:29, Pawel Zalewski wrote:
Add native recipe for the elf patcher.
Signed-off-by: Pawel Zalewski pzalewski@thegoodpenguin.co.uk
.../elf-patcher/elf-patcher-1.5-native.bb | 4 +++ .../elf-patcher/elf-patcher-native.inc | 34 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+) create mode 100644 recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-1.5-native.bb create mode 100644 recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-native.inc
diff --git a/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-1.5-native.bb b/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-1.5-native.bb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80a9a52 --- /dev/null +++ b/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-1.5-native.bb @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +require elf-patcher-native.inc
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=30c1e44ff81caee33ce2f777440df394" +SRCBRANCH = "morello/release-1.5" diff --git a/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-native.inc b/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-native.inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..871be9c --- /dev/null +++ b/recipes-devtools/elf-patcher/elf-patcher-native.inc @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +inherit llvm-morello-native native
+SUMMARY = "Elf-patcher" +DESCRIPTION = "Tool for paching up elf e_flag with EF_AARCH64_CHERI_PURECAP"
You shouldn't need this any more. This tool was written at a time when the released toolchain did not know about the new ELF flag yet, and we needed something to fill the gap. The LLVM release you are using does add this flag itself as appropriate (i.e. when building purecap binaries).
+HOMEPAGE = "http://llvm.org" +LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause" +OUTPUTS_NAME = "elf-patcher"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/${OUTPUTS_NAME}-native"
+SRC_URI = " \
- git://git.morello-project.org/morello/morello-aarch64;protocol=https;branch=${SRCBRANCH} \
- "
+DEPENDS:remove = " virtual/elf-patcher-native virtual/musl-morello-libs-native"
+SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}" +PV = "${PN}+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git" +S-elf-patcher = "${WORKDIR}/git/morello/tools"
+FILES:${PN} = "${bindir}/${OUTPUTS_NAME}"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
- mkdir -p ${B}/${OUTPUTS_NAME}
- ${CC} -o ${B}/${OUTPUTS_NAME}/${OUTPUTS_NAME} ${S-elf-patcher}/morello_elf.c
- install -d ${D}${bindir}
- install -m 0744 ${S}/${OUTPUTS_NAME}/${OUTPUTS_NAME} ${D}${bindir}/${OUTPUTS_NAME}
+} \ No newline at end of file