Hi all,
I'm facing a pretty frustrating issue when running CTS/VTS with LAVA.
I'm using Linaro's tradefed test definition :
During some runs, the adb connection is lost, leading to incomplete test
Do you know if this behavior is known and mostly general ? Or is it a bad
configuration on my side ?
Maybe someone knows some way to keep a reliable adb connection to the
target ?
Best regards,
Sometimes, I can see the lava log feedback to repeat the the lava log output, sometimes cannot.
Could you give an example simple inline test, so I can always see some log feedback?
Something like:
- test:
minutes: 1
- from: inline
name: smoke-case
path: inline/test.yaml
format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
name: smoke-case-run
description: Run smoke case
- lava-test-case "Case_001" --shell 'echo "Case001 gstreamer ok";'
How could I let ` Case001 gstreamer ok` also been seen in feedback log level?
I have recently upgraded from 2018.11 to 2019.03 and have noticed that the results of a lot of the tests I have been running no longer got parsed correctly by LAVA. This was because I was sending the results using upper case results strings.
Eg. lava-test-case <test-case> PASS opposed to lava-test-case <test-case> pass
This resulted in the following logs in the lava job:
Bad test result: PASS
Changing my results parsing script to only send lower case results strings fixed the issue, but was this restriction intended with the upgrade?
Kind Regards,
I have a system that as soon as LAVA logins, it requires the password to be changed (the password needs to be typed twice).
Is there an easy way to automate it using LAVA?
Diego Russo | Staff Software Engineer | Mbed Linux OS
ARM Ltd. CPC1, Capital Park, Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, CB21 5XE, United Kingdom
http://www.diegor.co.uk - https://os.mbed.com/linux-os/
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Hi all,
I'm currently trying to make a multinode job for CTS on Android 9.
During this job, I need to unlock uboot so I use the "interactive" test
But when I add it to my job definition, I get an error message during the
run :
"Nothing to run. Maybe the 'deploy' stage is missing, otherwise this is a
bug which should be reported."
If I remove the test action with the "interactive" method, I won't get that
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't get what it could be.
You will find attached a test job example which leads to this error.
Best regards,
Thanks, Remi,
So, looking forward to your patch which allow admins to extend the white list with a variable in the settings.
From: Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 3:59 PM
To: Larry Shen <larry.shen(a)nxp.com>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: [EXT] Re: [Lava-users] Why make the decision to limit job context in lava master?
Caution: EXT Email
Hello Larry,
1. We mainly have 2 kinds of situations:
a) Something like "uboot_ums_flash" which already in linaro lava tree. In the past, this can be overridden by job context. And I guess a lots of other variables which spread every corner of different jinja2 files. Huge I think, I really worried how lava can add so many keys in whitelist...
Why do you have to update uboot_ums_flash in the job definition and not in the device dictionary? This sounds more like a device specific information instead of a job definition one.
Anyway, having a long list of keys in the white list is not really a problem. This is only a python array, nothing more.
b) Something which just used in device jinja2 to control some different command in different situations. I know linaro accept upstreams for device-type, I have no idea if private lab's device jinja2 also useful for other people.
Contributions are welcome. A rule of thumb for device-type integration/templates is often: is the device available for purchase by someone outside your company?
If yes, then it's a good idea to upstream it. If not, then it's more a case-by-case decision.
2. Sounds you guys will not rollback this commit because security issue. So two suggestions:
Sorry no :(
a) I don't know how this security issue could impact for an internal lab which not exposed to external internet. Anyway, if possible to add a configure to any settings to let admin to decide if we care this security issue?
More details to come later on, but I don't think this is a good idea.
b) If a) not easy to do or not accept, if possible this whitelist be stored in database or other persist file, so user can free to add his own keyword to whitelist, then even we will upgrade lava to later new version, we can still remain the keyword setting in the past, meanwhile user still can free to add any keyword to whitelist without upstream again and again for this hard coded whitelist, I don't think this make sense.
I'm currently writing down a patch to allow admins to extend the white list with a variable in the settings.
Please consider. BTW, as Tim Jaacks said in other thread: this limit not happen in multinode job, is it a bug, so next release we will also have this backdoor closed?
I'm fixing this second issue in https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/merge_requests/547<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.lavas…>
Thanks for reporting it.
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro
In my job definition I have a minimal boot: https://staging.validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/actions-boot.html?high…
Documentation says "auto-login and transfer_overlay are both supported for this method." But if I add auto_login the schema validation in the submit page will raise a warning: "Valid definition with warnings: extra keys not allowed @ data['actions']['boot']['minimal']"
Of course if I take the auto_login out, the validation is green.
If I leave the auto_login, it will be used.
I think the validation needs to reflect what documentation says.
Diego Russo | Staff Software Engineer | Mbed Linux OS
ARM Ltd. CPC1, Capital Park, Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, CB21 5XE, United Kingdom
http://www.diegor.co.uk - https://os.mbed.com/linux-os/
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Thanks, Remi,
1. We mainly have 2 kinds of situations:
a) Something like "uboot_ums_flash" which already in linaro lava tree. In the past, this can be overridden by job context. And I guess a lots of other variables which spread every corner of different jinja2 files. Huge I think, I really worried how lava can add so many keys in whitelist...
b) Something which just used in device jinja2 to control some different command in different situations. I know linaro accept upstreams for device-type, I have no idea if private lab's device jinja2 also useful for other people.
2. Sounds you guys will not rollback this commit because security issue. So two suggestions:
a) I don't know how this security issue could impact for an internal lab which not exposed to external internet. Anyway, if possible to add a configure to any settings to let admin to decide if we care this security issue?
b) If a) not easy to do or not accept, if possible this whitelist be stored in database or other persist file, so user can free to add his own keyword to whitelist, then even we will upgrade lava to later new version, we can still remain the keyword setting in the past, meanwhile user still can free to add any keyword to whitelist without upstream again and again for this hard coded whitelist, I don't think this make sense.
Please consider. BTW, as Tim Jaacks said in other thread: this limit not happen in multinode job, is it a bug, so next release we will also have this backdoor closed?
-----Original Message-----
From: Lava-users <lava-users-bounces(a)lists.lavasoftware.org> On Behalf Of lava-users-request(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 11:13 PM
To: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: [EXT] Lava-users Digest, Vol 9, Issue 19
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Why make the decision to limit job context in lava
master? (Remi Duraffort)
2. Re: timeouts for deploy vs http-download (Remi Duraffort)
3. Re: Using transfer overlay (Pete Dyer)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 17:02:35 +0200
From: Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org>
To: lava-users <lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org>
Subject: Re: [Lava-users] Why make the decision to limit job context
in lava master?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
we had to enforce the content of the context dictionary in order to fix a security issue that we found recently. The full details of the security issue will be disclosed when a CVE is available.
We know that this is annoying for many people so we tried to collect all the valid use cases before the previous release.
Which variables are you setting in the context? Is the corresponding code upstreamed?
Le lun. 20 mai 2019 à 10:49, cnspring2002 <cnspring2002(a)aliyun.com> a écrit :
> +1, we also have same issue, had to pending new version deploy.
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 05:39:40 +0000
> From: Larry Shen <larry.shen(a)nxp.com>
> To: "lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org"
> <lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org>
> Subject: [Lava-users] Why make the decision to limit job context in
> lava master?
> Message-ID:
> <
> DBBPR04MB63291E1DC4F5F202DEDFE16699060(a)DBBPR04MB6329.eurprd04.prod.out
> look.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> For 2019.04 version, we see next:
> Job context
> -----------
> The schema validator is now checking the content of the `context` dictionary. Only the following keys are now allowed:
> * `arch`, `boot_console`, `boot_root`, `cpu`, `extra_options`,
> `guestfs_driveid`, `guestfs_interface`, `guestfs_size`, `machine`,
> `memory`, `model`, `monitor`, `netdevice`, `serial`, `vga`
> * `bootloader_prompt`, `console_device`, `extra_kernel_args`,
> `extra_nfsroot_args`, `kernel_loglevel`, `kernel_start_message`,
> `lava_test_results_dir`, `menu_interrupt_prompt`, `mustang_menu_list`,
> `test_character_delay`, `tftp_mac_address`
> Jobs using keys that are not listed in this list will be rejected.
> We usually set an customized context in job, and in device-type jinja2, use this context to just different value to set proper parameters.
> After this limit, all things break!
> So, my question is:
> lava could be designed to as a framework to give freedom to users to do their things as in the past, why we now enhance so many limits to users?
> And additional, and workaround for my scenario?
> Regards,
> Larry
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Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro
I'm using transfer overlay to get a set of tests onto the target.
However I want to untar it into /scratch instead of / because of storage requirements.
This I can do quite easily.
However the tests are going to try to run from / (e.g. /lava-10473/bin/lava-test-runner /lava-10473/1)
Is there a way of running tests from /scratch/lava-10473.... ?
Or a way of defining a command to run immediately after the transfer overlay that makes a link between /lava-10473 and /scratch/lava-10473 ?
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