Hi Milosz,
I am using the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ board as a real target. It has AOSP Pie 9 on it and runs.
I would be interested now, to see like you said if I could run CTS,VTS on the board and omit deploy section.
What should I put in the boot section as method:
Would be the same fastboot or another method? I ask because the board is connected to LAN (and not over USB).
Is it ok just to omit deploy section?
In other words how would Lava know to access the board on ADB over its IP. Where should I set this info?
Example section (Milosz CTS&VTS example):
Hi Lava Users,
I have decided to continue using a real device: a Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
Because I have an iso with Android 9 Pie, to flash the board I want to use
to: iso-installer
The question I'm having is:
Is it possible to use this mode to flash the board with ADB via Wifi?
(The board, I connected wifi to our router and I am able to connect with adb using wifi)
(The board does not have USB/OTG interface so the only option is to use ADB on wifi.)
What I try to achieve is deploy the image I have - iso one (flash), with adb using wifi, and run as tests CTS and VTS.
-----Original Message-----
From: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski(a)linaro.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 11:27 AM
To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: Re: [Lava-users] old comercial phones supported by Lava
On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 08:00, George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> But I do not understand exactly for example if I can use a Nexus5x; the device is in the list of supported devices Steve McIntyre sent me.
> Milosz Wasilewski said I cannot use it with Lava due to the lack of possibility to force power cycle on them (via serial interface - USB).
our current use case doesn't require power cycling the device. It uses the same OS build and tests are executed in chroot environment. This is pretty specific setup for the use case (doesn't require changing kernel).
> To be able to use it requires hw modification of the device?
yes, you need to be able to forcibly power cycle the device. With battery inside the phone this isn't possible, so you have to remove battery and replace it with power supply you can turn off.
> What we want to have for the moment is a real device (ex, Nexus 5) on which to run Tradef with Lava.
What is your use case? Are you testing tradefed (ex CTS) changes and stick with the same Android build or do you test Android (kernel, libraries, etc) changes? If it's the former you might be lucky and use existing nexus5 support. If you want to test android using CTS, HW modification is necessary.
> george
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve McIntyre <steve.mcintyre(a)linaro.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 8:51 PM
> To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
> Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> Subject: Re: [Lava-users] real devices supported by Lava by default
> Hi George,
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:54:21PM +0000, George Nistor wrote:
> >
> >I have a question regarding real devices supported by Linaro Lava.
> >
> >Besides these dev boards I found here :
> >https://validation.linaro.org/static/
> >docs/v2/standard-armmp-ramdisk-bbb.html#standard-known-devices
> >
> >Are any other real devices supported in Lava by default? (any
> >commercial phone for example Nexus 5)?
> There's a huge set of supported devices. If you don't already have
> LAVA installed, the easiest way to find the list is by looking at the
> set of device type configurations at
> https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/tree/master/etc/dispatcher-conf
> ig/device-types
> Cheers,
> --
> Steve McIntyre steve.mcintyre(a)linaro.org
> <http://www.linaro.org/> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM
> SoCs
> _______________________________________________
> Lava-users mailing list
> Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
It appears always, right from the start of the job.
lxc is installed on my dispatcher.
Job description
DUT description:
I know dut description is not full, but I want do step by step, firstly run
lxc on device.
Maybe you can give some advice about DUT desc.
I'm using fastboot flash for few partitions after that fastboot reboot
flash_cmds_order - it is order of flashing partition
fastboot_sequence - what is it?
Do you have some manual about this parameters description, cause have not
found it on your website.
And one more question, lxc deployed on dispatcher, right?
Best regards,
Ilya Fedusiv
But I do not understand exactly for example if I can use a Nexus5x; the device is in the list of supported devices Steve McIntyre sent me.
Milosz Wasilewski said I cannot use it with Lava due to the lack of possibility to force power cycle on them (via serial interface - USB).
To be able to use it requires hw modification of the device?
What we want to have for the moment is a real device (ex, Nexus 5) on which to run Tradef with Lava.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve McIntyre <steve.mcintyre(a)linaro.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 8:51 PM
To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: Re: [Lava-users] real devices supported by Lava by default
Hi George,
On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:54:21PM +0000, George Nistor wrote:
>I have a question regarding real devices supported by Linaro Lava.
>Besides these dev boards I found here :
>Are any other real devices supported in Lava by default? (any
>commercial phone for example Nexus 5)?
There's a huge set of supported devices. If you don't already have LAVA installed, the easiest way to find the list is by looking at the set of device type configurations at
Steve McIntyre steve.mcintyre(a)linaro.org
<http://www.linaro.org/> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
Hello Lava users,
I have a question regarding real devices supported by Linaro Lava.
Besides these dev boards I found here : https://validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/standard-armmp-ramdisk-bbb.htm…
Are any other real devices supported in Lava by default? (any commercial phone for example Nexus 5)?
Hello, LAVA Team!
I'm trying to implement own device description. Run with standard fastboot
singlenode with lxc.
And received error:
lava-dispatcher, installed at version: 2019.03+stretchstart: 0 validateStart
time: 2019-08-19 15:01:03.367020+00:00 (UTC)validate duration: 0.00result:
definition: lava
case: validate
<http://localhost:10080/results/testcase/8>Cleaning after the jobRoot tmp
directory removed at /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/2InfrastructureError: The
Infrastructure is not working correctly. Please report this error to LAVA
admins.error_msg: Cannot find command 'lxc-start' in $PATH
error_type: Infrastructure
result: fail
definition: lava
case: job <http://localhost:10080/results/testcase/9>
Best regards, Ilya Fedusiv
Anyone can help to provide some suggestion about following kernelci
integration problem:
We setup one kernelci in our infrastructure and deploy LAVA master and
slave as well. kernelci can support build, LAVA can also work to run
automation test. We use the lava-boot-v2.sh (jenkins job in kernelci-core
project ) to trigger lava test, but we found that both boot report or test
report can't be synchronized to kernelci dashboard. It will report json
format error, may I know whether we need follow boot schema or test schema
defined in kernelci (https://api.kernelci.org/schema-boot.html and
https://api.kernelci.org/schema-test.html) to create one report, then
trigger LAVA callback function to post one request?
Following is callback definition in
Do we need customize this callback if we want to post request for boot and
test result? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
{%- if callback %}
status: finished
{%- if callback_type == 'custom' %}
url: {{ callback_url }}
{%- else %}
url: {{ callback_url }}/callback/{{ callback_name }}?lab_name={{ lab_name
{%- endif %}
method: POST
dataset: {{ callback_dataset }}
token: {{ callback }}
content-type: json
{% endif %}
Hello LAVA Team!
Found in manual about adding new device, at begin better to write to you.
Device is: aarch64
Flashing via fastboot (have partition table list)
Device has serial debug connection.
For flashing using next commands:
fastboot flash <partition name> <path>
fastboot set_active a
fastboot reboot
To turn device into fastboot mode need to enter command in serial debug.
Best regards,
Ilya Fedusiv
Hi Lava Users,
I am trying to create a target with qemu running android as an ISO image.
The job I intend to write is to run CTS and VTS on a qemu target with android.
But I receive error when submitting.
Could anyone help me telling me
which are my mistakes I do with the job?
None of the deployment strategies accepted your deployment parameters, reasons given: qemu-nfs: "to" is not "nfs" lxc: "to" parameter is not "lxc" overlay: 'overlay' not in the device configuration deploy methods removeable: "media" was not "sata", "sd", or "usb" fastboot: "to" parameter is not "fastboot" tftp: "to" parameter is not "tftp" nfs: "to" parameter is not "nfs" images: "to" parameter is not "tmpfs" flasher: 'flasher' not in the device configuration deploy methods docker: 'docker' not in the device configuration deploy methods uboot-ums: "to" parameter is not "u-boot-ums" ssh: "ssh" is not in the device configuration deploy methods download: "to" parameter is not "download" iso: "iso" was not in the parameters recovery-mode: 'recovery' not in the device configuration deploy methods mps: "mps" was not in the device configuration deploy methods nbd: "to" parameter is not "nbd" vemsd: "to" parameter is not "vemsd"
device_type: qemu
job_name: george_ISO_6
minutes: 120
minutes: 120
minutes: 120
priority: medium
visibility: public
arch: amd64
- deploy:
minutes: 120
to: iso-installer
url: https://osdn.net/frs/redir.php?m=cznic&f=android-x86%2F69704%2Fandroid-x86-…
sha256sum: 71e3cd7e7151fbc7e9bb29be10e337b2545586d3ef173c5ae8c07d13bf595732
- boot:
method: qemu-iso
media: media=cdrom,readonly
minutes: 20
connection: serial
Hi Lava users,
I am using the sample you sent me last week to run tradefed: https://gist.github.com/mwasilew/e6e80a351d43388b1c3342098012ec
Until we have a real device to run on Tradefed we decided to use it with qemu, so the question is:
1. How do we deploy android on qemu via Lava?
2. How to boot android via lava?
Do you have any sample job for the above questions?
From: George Nistor
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:19:05 PM
To: Vladut Magas <vladut.m(a)l4b-software.com>; Inon Sharony <inon.s(a)l4b-software.com>; Yair Podemasky <yair.p(a)l4b-software.com>
Cc: Andreas Schl?ter <andreas.s(a)l4b-software.com>; Ilya Fedusiv <ilya.f(a)l4b-software.com>
Subject: FW: [Lava-users] running commands locally from a Lava job
Here is the answer I have just received from Linaro via their mail-list.
They say it is not a good idea to build tradefed with lava, but it can be used in the scenario to run TF from an LXC container - they have said.
Tradefed should be built from outside Lava.
-----Original Message-----
From: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski(a)linaro.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:07 PM
To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: Re: [Lava-users] running commands locally from a Lava job
On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 11:50, George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers,
> 1. What do you mean by "with LXC container acting as a host side ". It is an LXC container on the machine where Lava runs and inside this containes runs Tradefed?
yes, exactly. Here is an example job definition:
I can't share the actual job and logs as there are passwords included.
> 2. Where can I find an example of these Jobs? Could you help me with an link, or sample jobs?
> george
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski(a)linaro.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:29 PM
> To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
> Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> Subject: Re: [Lava-users] running commands locally from a Lava job
> I would say it's a bad idea. LAVA is not meant for building stuff. It can do that but you will need to hack around quite a lot. Secondly IIUC you need to have dependency between build and run steps. If you want to implement this using LAVA this implies multi-node job. There is no other way LAVA will manage dependencies and timings between executions. So this is getting pretty complicated already.
> LAVA is already running tradefed jobs (CTS and VTS) using real hardware and it's a pretty common use case. There are 2 implementations of this. One is using single node job with LXC container acting as a host side. Other is using multinode and can shard tests between multiple devices. However tradefed packages are built outside of lava and downloaded before job starts.
> To sum up, I think what you're trying to do is not best suited for LAVA. However it might be possible given some effort spent on experimenting.
> milosz
> On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 11:20, George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com> wrote:
> >
> > Yes
> > For one job to build tradefederation from inside a docker container.
> > For the second job to run Google TradeFederation from the docker container.
> >
> > Would be that possible with Lava?
> >
> > george
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Milosz Wasilewski <milosz.wasilewski(a)linaro.org>
> > Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:16 PM
> > To: George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com>
> > Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> > Subject: Re: [Lava-users] running commands locally from a Lava job
> >
> > George,
> >
> > Do I understand correctly you would like to use LAVA as a building tool?
> >
> > milosz
> >
> > On Thu, 8 Aug 2019 at 10:47, George Nistor <george.n(a)l4b-software.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Lava users,
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Is it possible to run commands inside a lava job test-section, locally, from a Lava Job?
> > >
> > > Ex:
> > >
> > > cd /media/sh_shared_folders
> > >
> > > docker build -t tradefed .
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > We have the following setup:
> > >
> > > A machine with Linux Ubuntu;
> > > an Oracle Virtual Box VM on the machine with a Xubuntu distro
> > > image inside the VM we have created 3 Docker containers:
> > >
> > > one with the Jenkins
> > > second one with Lava
> > > third is created for the purpose of running Google TradeFederation
> > > against the Android device
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > (The AOSP source tree is available to the VM via shared_folders
> > > and the docker container has also access to it. (via docker run -v
> > > dir_host:dir_container) )
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What we what to achieve is to have 2 jobs in Lava :
> > >
> > > one for building the Docker image for the purpose of building
> > > TradeFederation inside
> > >
> > > Ex. Running these commande locally:
> > >
> > > source
> > > ./build/make/envsetup.sh
> > >
> > > lunch
> > > <device-target>
> > >
> > > make
> > > tradefed-all -j8
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > second using the above image, instantiate, create a container
> > > which should run TradeFederation against the android device
> > > connected to the machine
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What I need is to be able to run commands locally inside the VM (on Xubuntu distro) from a Lava job. For these we have to somehow not send the command to qemu but run them locally.
> > >
> > > Is this possible? If yes, how can we achieve this?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > George Nistor
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Lava-users mailing list
> > > Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> > > https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
> _______________________________________________
> Lava-users mailing list
> Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users