Hi Lava users,
Is it possible to run commands inside a lava job test-section, locally, from a Lava Job?
cd /media/sh_shared_folders
docker build -t tradefed .
We have the following setup:
* A machine with Linux Ubuntu;
* an Oracle Virtual Box VM on the machine with a Xubuntu distro image
* inside the VM we have created 3 Docker containers:
* one with the Jenkins
* second one with Lava
* third is created for the purpose of running Google TradeFederation against the Android device
(The AOSP source tree is available to the VM via shared_folders and the docker container has also access to it. (via docker run -v dir_host:dir_container) )
What we what to achieve is to have 2 jobs in Lava :
* one for building the Docker image for the purpose of building TradeFederation inside
Ex. Running these commande locally:
source ./build/make/envsetup.sh
lunch <device-target>
make tradefed-all -j8
* second using the above image, instantiate, create a container which should run TradeFederation against the android device connected to the machine
What I need is to be able to run commands locally inside the VM (on Xubuntu distro) from a Lava job. For these we have to somehow not send the command to qemu but run them locally.
Is this possible? If yes, how can we achieve this?
George Nistor
I'm asking if the corresponding lava-slave is still working properly. You
can see that on the web interface in the workers page.
By the way, which version are you using?
Le mar. 6 août 2019 à 16:25, Gumansingh, Smita <Smita_Gumansingh(a)mentor.com>
a écrit :
> Yes Remi,
> Corresponding testjob is still running on device from last 3 days after it
> got canceled it from GUI. Testjob state is showing canceling
> and my device state is showing Running.
> test-hardware | x86 | running | 15696
> Thanks & Regards,
> Smita Gumansingh
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 6, 2019 6:26 PM
> *To:* Gumansingh, Smita
> *Subject:* Re: [Lava-users] Testjob state is cancelling
> Hello,
> are you sure that the corresponding lava-slave is still running?
> Rgds
> Le mar. 6 août 2019 à 09:11, Gumansingh, Smita <
> Smita_Gumansingh(a)mentor.com> a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I cancelled a test job but it still running on my device and showing
>> testjob state as “cancelling”. Is there any way to restart the device ,so
>> that I can submit some other job .
>> Killing the specific job id on lava-master using lava-cli also not
>> solving the problem.
>> *Regards,*
>> *Smita Gumansingh*
>> [image: cid:image001.jpg@01D2E5A8.A6033460]
>> Senior test Engineer, EPS PBU Software QA/Dev Ops
>> Mentor Graphics,
>> Nalapad Brigade Centre, Unit No:301 & 302
>> Mahadevapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560048, India
>> Office: +91 8067624338 |Cell: +91 9538349245
>> www.mentor.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> Lava-users mailing list
>> Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
>> https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
> --
> Rémi Duraffort
> LAVA Team, Linaro
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro
Hi all,
I'm running CTS tests on Android 9, with LAVA.
I noticed the CTS module CtsUsbTests failed because of the error:
"usb serial != adb serial expected:<[]> but was:<[a266fa0a5c85d6ee]>"
This module is a hostsidetest, and checks if usb serial matches adb serial
by running "lsusb -v" on the host and checking the iSerial returned by the
command. (
And this test fails when I run it with LAVA so I checked on my local PC and
the test passes. Indeed, if I run the command "lsusb -v" I get this output
for iSerial:
iSerial 3 351d5a0a5c85d936
The third field is the adb serial, so it matches well.
So I suspected the LXC container to not give the usb serial. So I checked
directly in the container and after running "lsusb -v" I got:
iSerial 3
The adb serial is missing.
So, do you know a way to make the LXC see correctly the usb serial ?
We've been using uboot-ums deploy mechanism for quite some time but we really want to move away from dd and star using bmap-tools.
I guess lava does not support it (yet) but I was wondering if there is a way where we can use uboot-ums with bmap-tools.
Diego Russo | Staff Software Engineer | Mbed Linux OS
ARM Ltd. CPC1, Capital Park, Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, CB21 5XE, United Kingdom
http://www.diegor.co.uk - https://os.mbed.com/linux-os/
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Right, it is not the first time I ask a similar question (I did ask it last February) and a lava issue has been created: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/issues/234
Unfortunately there are no progress on this and actually it has been removed from the milestones.
Can we ask to reconsider it? (
-----Original Message-----
From: Lava-users <lava-users-bounces(a)lists.lavasoftware.org> on behalf of Diego Russo <Diego.Russo(a)arm.com>
Date: Tuesday, 6 August 2019 at 13:32
To: "lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org" <lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org>
Subject: [Lava-users] uboot-ums with bmap-tools
We've been using uboot-ums deploy mechanism for quite some time but we really want to move away from dd and star using bmap-tools.
I guess lava does not support it (yet) but I was wondering if there is a way where we can use uboot-ums with bmap-tools.
Diego Russo | Staff Software Engineer | Mbed Linux OS
ARM Ltd. CPC1, Capital Park, Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, CB21 5XE, United Kingdom
http://www.diegor.co.uk - https://os.mbed.com/linux-os/
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.
Lava-users mailing list
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.
Hello LAVA experts,
I have a device which can boot up to android/linux.
The device is connected with two USB cables.
One USB cable is used for flashing images (fastboot flash) and doing some adb shell commands. Via another USB cable, I can use minicom to check uart logs and directly interact with the device (/dev/ttyUSB0).
Can you share some examples (jobs, job definitions) or configurations (like ser2net conf) or any suggestion for doing below test steps on my device with LAVA?
Scenario 1:
1. Flash images using fastboot
2. After android boots up or linux boots up, reboot and then stop at uboot
3. Do some tests in uboot.
Scenario 2:
1. Flash images using fastboot
2. After android boots up or linux boots up, interact with the device via uart (/dev/ttyUSB0) (suppose adb is disconnected)
3. Do some tests via uart.
Best regards,
Hi all,
I cancelled a test job but it still running on my device and showing testjob state as "cancelling". Is there any way to restart the device ,so that I can submit some other job .
Killing the specific job id on lava-master using lava-cli also not solving the problem.
Smita Gumansingh
Senior test Engineer, EPS PBU Software QA/Dev Ops
Mentor Graphics,
Nalapad Brigade Centre, Unit No:301 & 302
Mahadevapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560048, India
Office: +91 8067624338 |Cell: +91 9538349245
Hi all,
Our lava instance has been upgraded from 2019.03 to 2019.07 today.
Some of our teams need extra job context variables to be allowed, so I
added in /etc/lava-server/settings.conf the following parameter, as
described in one of your releases:
EXTRA_CONTEXT_VARIABLE: ["variable_1", "variable_2", "variable_3"]
It seems to work, but when I want to submit a job, sometimes I get the
warning "extra key not allowed" and if I hit the button "validate" many
times I finally get "valid definition". But sometimes I get "valid
definition" directly.
Is it a known issue?
Best regards,
if the prompt is "# " without more characters then in the lava job
definition you have to put "# ".
In fact, this won't work well because this string can be seen on other
places (like kernel logs).
The only solution here would be to change the prompt of the root filesystem
to make it a bit more unique.
Le mer. 31 juil. 2019 à 13:53, Hemanth K V <kv.hemanth.mys(a)gmail.com> a
écrit :
> Hello Remi,
> First of all Thanks for support.Trying for matching the string "# "
> If we don't specify any escape or brackets then it is matching one of the
> kernel message logs and sending the username .Following is reference of
> auto_login defined in yaml.
> ***** hwi path: hwi version/minor get_device_info->hwi_get_value: read
> STRING value:
> device name Matched prompt #4: #
> auto_login:
> login_prompt: "buildroot login:"
> username: root
> password_prompt: "Password:"
> password: root
> prompts:
> - '# '
> On including escape it is waiting for
> auto-login-action: Wait for prompt ['\\(# \\)', 'Login incorrect', 'Login
> timed out'] (timeout 00:07:53). Following is reference of auto_login
> defined in yaml.
> auto_login:
> login_prompt: "buildroot login:"
> username: root
> password_prompt: "Password:"
> password: root
> prompts:
> - '\(# \)'
> Thanks,
> Hemanth.
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 3:25 PM Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> which strin are you trying to match? " #", "#", "# "?
>> Just put that (without any escaping or brackets) in the list of prompts.
>> Rgds
>> Le mar. 30 juil. 2019 à 14:20, Hemanth K V <kv.hemanth.mys(a)gmail.com> a
>> écrit :
>>> Hello Lava Users,
>>> The target on which I am trying to run tests from LAVA has # prompt
>>> after login.
>>> As specified in Documentation
>>> https://lava.collabora.co.uk/static/docs/v2/actions-boot.html?highlight=pro…
>>> - boot:
>>> prompts:
>>> # escape the brackets to ensure that the prompt does not match
>>> # kernel debug lines which may mention initramfs
>>> - '\(initramfs\)'
>>> in the job definition I am including -
>>> boot:
>>> .....
>>> failure_retry: 4
>>> prompts:
>>> - '\(# \)'
>>> But in the job execution log getting "*auto-login-action: Wait for prompt ['\\(# \\)', 'Login incorrect', 'Login timed out'] (timeout 00:07:52)*".
>>> Also if we want to debug while running the job which will be the best possible approach to follow.
>>> In the Documentation got information on "Debugging Django issues" which states two settings are required in/etc/lava-server/settings.conf
>>> - "DEBUG": true,
>>> - "USE_DEBUG_TOOLBAR": true,
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hemanth.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Lava-users mailing list
>>> Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
>>> https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
>> --
>> Rémi Duraffort
>> LAVA Team, Linaro
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro