On 17-11-22, 12:05, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:
So it already only impacts developers exclusively and not users who'd for example want to install libgpiod from crates.io? If so then I don't really see a reason to keep those files in the repo really.
Users are impacted in the sense that they will be forced to build the bindings using bindgen now, automatically of course. It is an extra, time consuming, operation which can be avoided. For rust-vmm projects, every pull request results in fresh rebuild of the entire crate, which would mean two additional bindgen builds too, just for gpio now. It isn't a huge problem, but it is time that could have been saved.
I'm not familiar with rust-vmm containers but the fact that bindgen support is missing or causes problems sounds like a problem with rust-vmm and not users of bindgen, right?
Yeah it can be, but IIUC, in the Rust world, more often than not such bindings are pre-generated, as this basically is Rust code only. These bindings will only change if we make a change to the gpiod API.
Perhaps that's why I was asked to avoid generating the bindings there, but I can ask again and try fixing the rust-vmm containers if it doesn't work.