Hi Joachim and all,
I am sorry I missed Open-CMSIS pack meeting last Tuesday. I watched the recording of the meeting and I noticed several points on ST side were mentioned so I would like to share an update before next week meetings on some of them.
* Issue #112https://github.com/Open-CMSIS-Pack/Open-CMSIS-Pack-Spec/issues/112: there was a separated email thread on this topic but in a nutshell, Fred organized a ad-hoc meeting mid august with participants from NXP and ST, there was a slight misunderstanding on the next step after this meeting but it is now clarified and the proposal discussed during the meeting has been added to the issue #112 * "Compiler Agnostic Control", I close the loop with Tarek, he is going to resume working on it next week to finalize a proposal. * Next week CCB. We have re-sync internally on the issue #95 and #134 on the agenda and post additional comment in these issues (Fred) so ST is ready to review them during the CCB. In a separate thread related to the GitHub issue #112, I understand that NXP is proposing to add it to next Monday CCB, ST is open to it.
[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: logo_big5] Eric FINCO | Tel: +33 (0)2 4402 7154 MDG | Technical Specialist
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