------------------------------------------ [...truncated 1.54 MB...] //tensorflow/python/trackable:data_structures_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:python_state_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:resource_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:trackable_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adadelta_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_da_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adam_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:basic_loops_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:basic_session_run_hooks_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:checkpoint_ops_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:coordinator_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:device_setter_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:ftrl_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:gradient_descent_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:input_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:momentum_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:monitored_session_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:moving_averages_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:optimizer_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:proximal_adagrad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:proximal_gradient_descent_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:quantize_training_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:queue_runner_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:rmsprop_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_large_partitioned_variable_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_test_2gpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_multiple_containers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_clear_container_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_clear_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_no_clear_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_sparse_job_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:session_manager_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:slot_creator_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:supervisor_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_ops_mlir_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_ops_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:warm_starting_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:loss_scale_optimizer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:loss_scale_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:mixed_precision_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/saving:saveable_object_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:compat_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:decorator_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:deprecation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:dispatch_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:example_parser_configuration_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:fast_module_type_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:function_parameter_canonicalizer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:function_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:keyword_args_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:lock_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:module_wrapper_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:nest_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:object_identity_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:serialization_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_contextlib_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_decorator_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_export_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_inspect_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_should_use_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_stack_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:traceback_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:type_annotations_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:variable_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util/protobuf:protobuf_compare_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/api/tests:api_compatibility_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/api/tests:module_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/common:public_api_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/common:traverse_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:all_renames_v2_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:ast_edits_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:test_file_v1_0 NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:test_file_v2_0 NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_v2_safety_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/docs:tf_doctest NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/docs:tf_doctest_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:file_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transforms_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/proto_text:gen_proto_text_functions_lib_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/tensorflow_builder/compat_checker:compat_checker_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/c:tsl_status_helper_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/c:tsl_status_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/cuda:cudnn_version_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_agent_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_error_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_recoverable_job_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/preemption:preemption_notifier_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/preemption:preemption_sync_manager_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_channel_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/framework:cancellation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/framework/convolution:spatial_convolutions_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/gtl:tsl_lib_gtl_tests NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/hash:crc32c_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/histogram:histogram_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:buffered_inputstream_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:inputbuffer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:inputstream_interface_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:random_inputstream_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:record_reader_writer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:recordio_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:table_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:zlib_buffers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io/snappy:snappy_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/math:math_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:distribution_sampler_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:philox_random_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:random_distributions_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:simple_philox_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:weighted_picker_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:ctstring_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:denormal_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:errors_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:fingerprint_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:float8_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:hash_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:integral_types_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:intrusive_ptr_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:logging_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:mutex_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:net_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:numbers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:path_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:port_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:random_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:refcount_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:retrying_file_system_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:retrying_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:scanner_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:setround_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stacktrace_handler_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stacktrace_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:status_matchers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:status_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:statusor_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:str_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:strcat_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stringpiece_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stringprintf_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:subprocess_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:tstring_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:unbounded_work_queue_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:compute_engine_metadata_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:compute_engine_zone_provider_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:curl_http_request_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:expiring_lru_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_dns_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_file_system_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_throttle_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:google_auth_provider_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:oauth_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:ram_file_block_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:time_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/backends/cpu:traceme_recorder_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/convert:xla_op_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:profiler_factory_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:profiler_lock_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:scoped_annotation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:traceme_encode_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/rpc/client:profiler_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/rpc/client:remote_profiler_session_manager_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:buffer_pool_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:group_events_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:parse_annotation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:tf_op_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:timespan_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:tpu_xplane_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:xplane_builder_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:xplane_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/util:device_name_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/util:stats_calculator_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tools:interactive_graphviz_build_only_test FAILED TO BUILD //tensorflow/c:c_api_function_test PASSED in 22.4s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/graphdef2mlir:arg-data-type-with-subtype.pbtxt.test PASSED in 0.9s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/tests/graphdef2mlir:empty-input-shapes.pbtxt.test PASSED in 0.9s //tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla:const_analysis_test PASSED in 4.1s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu:multi_output_fusion_test PASSED in 2.2s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:get_dimension_size_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:literal_test_util_test PASSED in 5.8s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:query_inferred_shape_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tools/hlo_bisect:hlo_bisect_state_test PASSED in 0.9s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/translate/hlo_to_mhlo:hlo_utils_test PASSED in 0.3s //tensorflow/core:__tensorflow_core_lib_monitoring_collection_registry_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/core:__tensorflow_core_lib_monitoring_gauge_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core:__tensorflow_core_lib_monitoring_metric_def_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/api_def:update_api_def_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:collective_param_resolver_local_test PASSED in 5.4s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:cost_util_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:device_propagation_test PASSED in 0.6s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:executor_test PASSED in 1.8s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:function_optimization_registry_test PASSED in 0.9s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:function_threadpool_test PASSED in 1.3s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:hierarchical_tree_broadcaster_test_cpu PASSED in 4.4s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:inline_function_utils_test PASSED in 0.6s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:mkl_tfconversion_pass_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:pending_counts_test PASSED in 1.0s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime/eager:context_test PASSED in 11.6s //tensorflow/core/framework:framework_resource_var_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/framework:framework_run_handler_test PASSED in 2.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:segment_reduction_ops_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:sets_test PASSED in 25.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:cudnn_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 6.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linalg_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 49.3s Stats over 8 runs: max = 49.3s, min = 27.6s, avg = 38.8s, dev = 7.7s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:conv2d_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 7.3s Stats over 10 runs: max = 7.3s, min = 4.5s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 1.0s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:iota_test_cpu PASSED in 12.4s Stats over 30 runs: max = 12.4s, min = 11.1s, avg = 11.6s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:params_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s Stats over 30 runs: max = 6.4s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.0s, dev = 0.2s
Executed 34 out of 3525 tests: 34 tests pass, 1 fails to build and 3490 were skipped. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. stdout_lines: <omitted>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=52 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Friday 02 December 2022 03:11:44 +0000 (0:27:33.534) 1:15:03.589 ******* =============================================================================== tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2350.86s tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 1653.53s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 262.11s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 45.55s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 43.58s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 29.36s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 23.16s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 15.11s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 11.83s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.63s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.55s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 6.94s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 6.90s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.61s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 4.32s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 3.67s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.12s python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package --- 2.97s python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package --- 2.22s python : install numpy-1.21.6-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 2.11s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 39.00 MB...] //tensorflow/python/util:function_parameter_canonicalizer_test PASSED in 6.2s //tensorflow/python/util:function_utils_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/util:lock_util_test PASSED in 7.4s //tensorflow/python/util:module_wrapper_test PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/util:serialization_test PASSED in 6.3s //tensorflow/python/util:tf_contextlib_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/util:tf_inspect_test PASSED in 7.0s //tensorflow/tools/api/tests:module_test PASSED in 12.7s //tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model_test PASSED in 2.3s //tensorflow/tools/common:public_api_test PASSED in 1.9s //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_test PASSED in 6.6s //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_v2_safety_test PASSED in 6.7s //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:file_utils_test PASSED in 0.6s //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transforms_test PASSED in 5.2s //tensorflow/tsl/c:tsl_status_helper_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_error_util_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/hash:crc32c_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:random_inputstream_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:record_reader_writer_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/math:math_util_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:philox_random_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:simple_philox_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:ctstring_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:float8_test PASSED in 2.0s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:integral_types_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:numbers_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:random_test PASSED in 1.9s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:refcount_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:setround_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stacktrace_handler_test PASSED in 2.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:statusor_test PASSED in 20.9s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:strcat_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stringprintf_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:subprocess_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:tstring_test PASSED in 0.4s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:compute_engine_zone_provider_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:curl_http_request_test PASSED in 8.5s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:expiring_lru_cache_test PASSED in 0.5s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:oauth_client_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:ram_file_block_cache_test PASSED in 2.4s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:time_util_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/backends/cpu:traceme_recorder_test PASSED in 0.7s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/convert:xla_op_utils_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:profiler_factory_test PASSED in 0.5s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:timespan_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:parallel_interleave_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/optimization:optimization_test PASSED in 19.3s Stats over 2 runs: max = 19.3s, min = 11.0s, avg = 15.1s, dev = 4.1s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:window_test PASSED in 40.9s Stats over 2 runs: max = 40.9s, min = 29.1s, avg = 35.0s, dev = 5.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/control_flow:map_fn_test_cpu PASSED in 9.2s Stats over 2 runs: max = 9.2s, min = 7.3s, avg = 8.3s, dev = 1.0s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:spacetobatch_op_test_cpu PASSED in 8.6s Stats over 3 runs: max = 8.6s, min = 8.1s, avg = 8.3s, dev = 0.2s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:spacetobatch_op_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 10.0s Stats over 3 runs: max = 10.0s, min = 9.5s, avg = 9.8s, dev = 0.2s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:unique_test PASSED in 14.0s Stats over 3 runs: max = 14.0s, min = 10.8s, avg = 12.1s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:worker_tags_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:qr_op_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/compiler/tests:ternary_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 14.5s Stats over 4 runs: max = 14.5s, min = 8.9s, avg = 11.0s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/core/kernels:example_parsing_ops_test PASSED in 0.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 0.7s, min = 0.6s, avg = 0.6s, dev = 0.0s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:map_and_batch_test PASSED in 36.0s Stats over 4 runs: max = 36.0s, min = 21.8s, avg = 26.4s, dev = 5.6s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:parse_example_dataset_test PASSED in 25.1s Stats over 4 runs: max = 25.1s, min = 12.4s, avg = 18.6s, dev = 5.9s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:cross_trainer_cache_ft_test PASSED in 6.6s Stats over 4 runs: max = 6.6s, min = 5.8s, avg = 6.2s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:batch_test PASSED in 32.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 32.7s, min = 23.3s, avg = 27.4s, dev = 3.4s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:skip_test PASSED in 25.1s Stats over 4 runs: max = 25.1s, min = 16.9s, avg = 20.6s, dev = 3.7s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:text_line_dataset_test PASSED in 16.5s Stats over 4 runs: max = 16.5s, min = 12.7s, avg = 14.7s, dev = 1.7s //tensorflow/python/debug/lib:dumping_callback_test_cpu PASSED in 19.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 19.7s, min = 18.9s, avg = 19.3s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python/distribute:strategy_gather_test_cpu PASSED in 29.0s Stats over 4 runs: max = 29.0s, min = 20.3s, avg = 24.7s, dev = 4.1s //tensorflow/python/distribute:strategy_gather_test_xla_2gpu PASSED in 26.6s Stats over 4 runs: max = 26.6s, min = 10.0s, avg = 17.1s, dev = 7.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:collective_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 30.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 30.7s, min = 29.9s, avg = 30.3s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:async_comp_test_cpu PASSED in 6.7s Stats over 5 runs: max = 6.7s, min = 5.8s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:depthwise_conv_op_test_cpu PASSED in 13.9s Stats over 5 runs: max = 13.9s, min = 8.1s, avg = 10.7s, dev = 2.5s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:depthwise_conv_op_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 14.9s Stats over 5 runs: max = 14.9s, min = 7.7s, avg = 10.7s, dev = 2.8s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:fused_batchnorm_test_cpu PASSED in 7.7s Stats over 5 runs: max = 7.7s, min = 6.6s, avg = 7.2s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:fused_batchnorm_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 7.9s Stats over 5 runs: max = 7.9s, min = 6.8s, avg = 7.4s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:repeat_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.5s Stats over 5 runs: max = 7.5s, min = 3.8s, avg = 5.6s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:repeat_op_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 7.0s Stats over 5 runs: max = 7.0s, min = 5.4s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:special_math_test_cpu PASSED in 105.5s Stats over 5 runs: max = 105.5s, min = 11.0s, avg = 44.5s, dev = 32.6s //tensorflow/python/distribute:mirrored_strategy_test_2gpu PASSED in 11.3s Stats over 5 runs: max = 11.3s, min = 8.8s, avg = 9.9s, dev = 0.9s //tensorflow/python/distribute:mirrored_strategy_test_cpu PASSED in 9.5s Stats over 5 runs: max = 9.5s, min = 7.2s, avg = 8.8s, dev = 0.9s //tensorflow/python/distribute:moving_averages_test_2gpu PASSED in 18.4s Stats over 5 runs: max = 18.4s, min = 13.1s, avg = 15.3s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/python/distribute:moving_averages_test_cpu PASSED in 21.6s Stats over 5 runs: max = 21.6s, min = 15.5s, avg = 18.0s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/python/distribute:vars_test_2gpu PASSED in 16.3s Stats over 5 runs: max = 16.3s, min = 11.5s, avg = 13.9s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/python/eager:forwardprop_test_cpu PASSED in 109.7s Stats over 5 runs: max = 109.7s, min = 12.7s, avg = 48.3s, dev = 32.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_householder_test_cpu PASSED in 43.5s Stats over 5 runs: max = 43.5s, min = 41.9s, avg = 42.6s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:fractional_avg_pool_op_test PASSED in 14.0s Stats over 5 runs: max = 14.0s, min = 6.1s, avg = 8.1s, dev = 3.0s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:scan_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 18.2s Stats over 6 runs: max = 18.2s, min = 11.8s, avg = 16.7s, dev = 2.2s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:prng_test_cpu PASSED in 6.7s Stats over 6 runs: max = 6.7s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python:accumulate_n_benchmark_cpu PASSED in 6.2s Stats over 6 runs: max = 6.2s, min = 4.7s, avg = 5.6s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:make_batched_features_dataset_test PASSED in 22.1s Stats over 6 runs: max = 22.1s, min = 6.4s, avg = 12.9s, dev = 6.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:reduction_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 39.8s Stats over 6 runs: max = 39.8s, min = 19.0s, avg = 30.0s, dev = 6.2s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:coordinated_read_test PASSED in 35.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 35.2s, min = 14.4s, avg = 22.0s, dev = 9.0s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:fault_tolerance_test PASSED in 26.6s Stats over 8 runs: max = 26.6s, min = 11.3s, avg = 15.3s, dev = 5.3s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:filter_test PASSED in 15.9s Stats over 8 runs: max = 15.9s, min = 12.8s, avg = 14.3s, dev = 1.0s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:flat_map_test PASSED in 20.5s Stats over 8 runs: max = 20.5s, min = 13.4s, avg = 16.4s, dev = 2.7s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:tf_record_dataset_test PASSED in 22.5s Stats over 8 runs: max = 22.5s, min = 12.5s, avg = 16.9s, dev = 3.5s //tensorflow/python/distribute/failure_handling:failure_handler_test PASSED in 183.0s Stats over 8 runs: max = 183.0s, min = 83.1s, avg = 150.6s, dev = 36.9s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_tensor_test PASSED in 26.9s Stats over 8 runs: max = 26.9s, min = 11.7s, avg = 16.2s, dev = 4.5s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:conv2d_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 7.5s Stats over 10 runs: max = 7.5s, min = 4.4s, avg = 6.2s, dev = 1.1s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:image_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 17.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 17.2s, min = 10.6s, avg = 14.1s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 11.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 11.4s, min = 4.3s, avg = 7.8s, dev = 2.3s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 78.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 78.2s, min = 36.8s, avg = 56.3s, dev = 13.6s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 78.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 78.2s, min = 40.4s, avg = 59.1s, dev = 12.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib:svd_test_cpu PASSED in 67.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 67.4s, min = 5.7s, avg = 22.5s, dev = 22.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu:cpu_runtime_test PASSED in 2.5s Stats over 10 runs: max = 2.5s, min = 0.8s, avg = 2.0s, dev = 0.6s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_type_spec_test_cpu PASSED in 16.5s Stats over 10 runs: max = 16.5s, min = 3.8s, avg = 10.6s, dev = 4.6s //tensorflow/python/grappler:cluster_test_cpu PASSED in 6.8s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.8s, min = 3.1s, avg = 4.7s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:array_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 12.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 12.4s, min = 5.9s, avg = 8.8s, dev = 1.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:tensor_array_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 8.9s Stats over 10 runs: max = 8.9s, min = 4.1s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 1.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:rnn_test_cpu PASSED in 10.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 10.2s, min = 7.4s, avg = 9.1s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/random:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 91.0s Stats over 10 runs: max = 91.0s, min = 16.9s, avg = 54.4s, dev = 34.8s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_tensor_supported_values_test PASSED in 18.9s Stats over 10 runs: max = 18.9s, min = 16.0s, avg = 17.4s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/service:triangular_solve_expander_test PASSED in 72.6s Stats over 12 runs: max = 72.6s, min = 21.8s, avg = 32.1s, dev = 13.6s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:index_shuffle_test PASSED in 27.7s Stats over 12 runs: max = 27.7s, min = 17.3s, avg = 22.4s, dev = 2.9s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:memory_cleanup_test_cpu PASSED in 9.2s Stats over 12 runs: max = 9.2s, min = 3.1s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 1.6s //tensorflow/python/distribute:multi_process_runner_test_2gpu PASSED in 222.2s Stats over 12 runs: max = 222.2s, min = 11.3s, avg = 49.1s, dev = 58.3s //tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function:polymorphic_function_test_cpu PASSED in 18.3s Stats over 15 runs: max = 18.3s, min = 11.5s, avg = 14.4s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_circulant_test_cpu PASSED in 133.6s Stats over 15 runs: max = 133.6s, min = 125.6s, avg = 130.5s, dev = 2.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:matrix_exponential_op_test PASSED in 15.7s Stats over 16 runs: max = 15.7s, min = 5.4s, avg = 8.6s, dev = 2.4s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:map_test PASSED in 26.2s Stats over 19 runs: max = 26.2s, min = 10.7s, avg = 17.2s, dev = 4.5s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:pooling_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 14.5s Stats over 20 runs: max = 14.5s, min = 2.9s, avg = 5.9s, dev = 2.8s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:reduce_window_test_cpu PASSED in 45.8s Stats over 20 runs: max = 45.8s, min = 5.3s, avg = 13.9s, dev = 11.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:metrics_test PASSED in 42.0s Stats over 20 runs: max = 42.0s, min = 8.3s, avg = 19.4s, dev = 9.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:matrix_band_part_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.1s Stats over 20 runs: max = 7.1s, min = 2.7s, avg = 4.7s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:eig_op_test PASSED in 36.1s Stats over 20 runs: max = 36.1s, min = 3.5s, avg = 11.8s, dev = 11.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:normalize_op_test_cpu PASSED in 12.4s Stats over 20 runs: max = 12.4s, min = 4.7s, avg = 8.0s, dev = 2.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:batch_matmul_op_test_cpu PASSED in 18.7s Stats over 20 runs: max = 18.7s, min = 5.1s, avg = 11.7s, dev = 4.6s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:convolution_variants_test_cpu PASSED in 6.5s Stats over 30 runs: max = 6.5s, min = 5.6s, avg = 6.0s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:params_test_cpu PASSED in 6.6s Stats over 30 runs: max = 6.6s, min = 5.6s, avg = 6.0s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:reduce_test_cpu PASSED in 8.6s Stats over 31 runs: max = 8.6s, min = 6.2s, avg = 7.0s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:scalar_computations_test_cpu PASSED in 8.2s Stats over 32 runs: max = 8.2s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.3s, dev = 0.6s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:bfloat16_test_cpu PASSED in 7.0s Stats over 40 runs: max = 7.0s, min = 5.8s, avg = 6.3s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:slice_test_cpu PASSED in 11.5s Stats over 40 runs: max = 11.5s, min = 7.2s, avg = 8.4s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:sort_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 49.0s Stats over 50 runs: max = 49.0s, min = 2.8s, avg = 11.2s, dev = 10.0s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:conv_depthwise_test_cpu PASSED in 8.5s Stats over 50 runs: max = 8.5s, min = 6.1s, avg = 7.3s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:convolution_test_cpu PASSED in 11.7s Stats over 50 runs: max = 11.7s, min = 8.2s, avg = 9.2s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:cwise_ops_unary_test_cpu PASSED in 12.5s Stats over 50 runs: max = 12.5s, min = 2.9s, avg = 4.3s, dev = 2.0s
Executed 1312 out of 3527 tests: 1309 tests pass, 1 fails to build and 2217 were skipped. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. stdout_lines: <omitted>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=52 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Saturday 03 December 2022 03:24:55 +0000 (0:43:26.240) 1:28:20.558 ***** =============================================================================== tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 2606.24s tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2185.47s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 263.43s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 47.41s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 46.34s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 29.50s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 29.31s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 13.70s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 12.33s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.58s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.54s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 6.92s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.63s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 4.48s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 4.42s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 4.37s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.13s python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package --- 3.05s python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package --- 2.22s python : install numpy-1.21.6-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 2.11s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 395.72 KB...] //tensorflow/python/tools:saved_model_cli_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tools:saved_model_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tools:strip_unused_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tools/api/generator:create_python_api_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tools/api/generator:output_init_files_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tools/api/generator:tensorflow_doc_srcs_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:bfloat16_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:feature_column_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:topology_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:tpu_embedding_for_serving_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:tpu_embedding_v2_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:tpu_infeed_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:tpu_sharding_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu:tpu_test_wrapper_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/tpu/client:client_py_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:autotrackable_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:base_delegate_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:base_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:data_structures_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:python_state_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:resource_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/trackable:trackable_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adadelta_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_da_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:adam_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:basic_loops_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:basic_session_run_hooks_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:checkpoint_ops_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:coordinator_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:device_setter_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:ftrl_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:gradient_descent_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:input_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:momentum_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:monitored_session_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:moving_averages_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:optimizer_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:proximal_adagrad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:proximal_gradient_descent_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:quantize_training_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:queue_runner_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:rmsprop_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_large_partitioned_variable_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_test_2gpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:saver_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_multiple_containers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_clear_container_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_clear_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_no_clear_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_sparse_job_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:session_manager_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:slot_creator_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:supervisor_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_ops_mlir_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_ops_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:training_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training:warm_starting_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:loss_scale_optimizer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:loss_scale_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:mixed_precision_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/training/saving:saveable_object_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:compat_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:decorator_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:deprecation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:dispatch_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:example_parser_configuration_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:fast_module_type_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:function_parameter_canonicalizer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:function_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:keyword_args_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:lock_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:module_wrapper_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:nest_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:object_identity_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:serialization_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_contextlib_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_decorator_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_export_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_inspect_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_should_use_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:tf_stack_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:traceback_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:type_annotations_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util:variable_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/util/protobuf:protobuf_compare_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/api/tests:api_compatibility_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/api/tests:module_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/common:public_api_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/common:traverse_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:all_renames_v2_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:ast_edits_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:test_file_v1_0 NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:test_file_v2_0 NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_v2_safety_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/docs:tf_doctest NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/docs:tf_doctest_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:file_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transforms_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/proto_text:gen_proto_text_functions_lib_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tools/tensorflow_builder/compat_checker:compat_checker_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/c:tsl_status_helper_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/c:tsl_status_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/cuda:cudnn_version_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_agent_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_error_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/coordination:coordination_service_recoverable_job_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/preemption:preemption_notifier_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/preemption:preemption_sync_manager_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_channel_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/rpc:grpc_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/framework:cancellation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/framework/convolution:spatial_convolutions_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/gtl:tsl_lib_gtl_tests NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/hash:crc32c_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/histogram:histogram_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:buffered_inputstream_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:inputbuffer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:inputstream_interface_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:random_inputstream_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:record_reader_writer_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:recordio_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:table_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:zlib_buffers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io/snappy:snappy_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/math:math_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:distribution_sampler_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:philox_random_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:random_distributions_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:simple_philox_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:weighted_picker_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:ctstring_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:denormal_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:errors_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:fingerprint_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:float8_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:hash_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:integral_types_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:intrusive_ptr_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:logging_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:mutex_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:net_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:numbers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:path_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:port_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:refcount_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:retrying_file_system_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:retrying_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:scanner_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:setround_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stacktrace_handler_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stacktrace_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:status_matchers_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:status_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:statusor_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:str_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:strcat_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stringpiece_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:stringprintf_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:subprocess_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:tstring_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform:unbounded_work_queue_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:compute_engine_metadata_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:compute_engine_zone_provider_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:curl_http_request_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:expiring_lru_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_dns_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_file_system_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_throttle_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:google_auth_provider_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:oauth_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:ram_file_block_cache_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:time_util_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/backends/cpu:traceme_recorder_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/convert:xla_op_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:profiler_factory_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:profiler_lock_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:scoped_annotation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:traceme_encode_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/rpc/client:profiler_client_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/rpc/client:remote_profiler_session_manager_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:buffer_pool_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:group_events_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:parse_annotation_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:tf_op_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:timespan_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:tpu_xplane_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:xplane_builder_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:xplane_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/util:device_name_utils_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/tsl/util:stats_calculator_test NO STATUS //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tools:interactive_graphviz_build_only_test FAILED TO BUILD //tensorflow/c:c_api_experimental_test PASSED in 22.2s //tensorflow/cc:framework_gradients_test PASSED in 5.4s //tensorflow/cc:gradients_nn_grad_test PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/cc/experimental/libtf:libtf_transform_test PASSED in 21.8s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite:tensorflow_lite_build_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/quantization:numerical_utils_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow:dump_graph_test PASSED in 0.5s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:token_hlo_test_cpu PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/translate/mhlo_to_hlo/tests:sharding.mlir.test PASSED in 0.7s //tensorflow/core:__tensorflow_core_lib_monitoring_counter_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:composite_device_test PASSED in 0.6s //tensorflow/core/common_runtime:device_resolver_local_test PASSED in 0.9s //tensorflow/core/util:command_line_flags_test PASSED in 0.8s //tensorflow/examples/adding_an_op:zero_out_2_test PASSED in 11.8s //tensorflow/python/autograph/pyct:loader_test PASSED in 5.8s //tensorflow/python/autograph/pyct:naming_test PASSED in 6.1s //tensorflow/python/autograph/pyct/static_analysis:reaching_definitions_test PASSED in 6.1s //tensorflow/python/autograph/tests:assertion_test PASSED in 13.8s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/benchmarks:map_and_batch_benchmark PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/benchmarks:map_defun_benchmark PASSED in 6.3s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:random_test PASSED in 1.8s
Executed 21 out of 3527 tests: 21 tests pass, 1 fails to build and 3505 were skipped. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. stdout_lines: <omitted>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=52 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Sunday 04 December 2022 03:10:11 +0000 (0:27:41.069) 1:13:37.432 ******* =============================================================================== tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2234.30s tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 1661.07s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 265.67s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 51.66s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 44.22s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 28.97s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 23.38s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 14.28s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 13.40s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 8.24s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 8.21s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.61s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 7.59s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.51s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 5.99s python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package --- 5.71s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.63s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.14s bazel : fetch Bazelisk v1.12.0 binary from Github ----------------------- 2.49s python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package --- 2.22s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 27.40 MB...] //tensorflow/python/framework:graph_util_test PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/framework:importer_test PASSED in 8.2s //tensorflow/python/framework:meta_graph_test PASSED in 8.6s //tensorflow/python/framework:node_file_writer_test_cpu PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/framework:ops_enable_eager_test PASSED in 2.1s //tensorflow/python/framework:python_tensor_converter_test PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/framework:subscribe_test PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/framework:tensor_spec_test PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/framework:traceable_stack_test PASSED in 6.1s //tensorflow/python/framework:type_spec_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/grappler:tf_optimizer_test PASSED in 7.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:collective_ops_multi_worker_test PASSED in 28.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:garbage_collection_test PASSED in 7.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:trace_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:constant_op_test_cpu PASSED in 10.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:identity_n_op_py_test PASSED in 6.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:identity_op_py_test PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:large_concat_op_test_cpu PASSED in 8.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:pad_op_test_cpu PASSED in 13.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:scalar_test_cpu PASSED in 8.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:spacetobatch_op_test_cpu PASSED in 14.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:spacetodepth_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:unstack_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/control_flow:py_func_test_cpu PASSED in 17.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:fifo_queue_test PASSED in 9.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:listdiff_op_test PASSED in 7.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:priority_queue_test PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:stage_op_test_cpu PASSED in 8.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/image_ops:decode_raw_op_test PASSED in 6.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/image_ops:extract_volume_patches_op_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/io_ops:io_ops_test PASSED in 7.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/io_ops:parsing_ops_test PASSED in 27.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/io_ops:reader_ops_test PASSED in 10.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/io_ops:record_input_test PASSED in 26.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_addition_test_cpu PASSED in 7.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_algebra_test_cpu PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:lu_op_test_cpu PASSED in 9.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:matrix_solve_ls_op_test_cpu PASSED in 33.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:slicing_test_cpu PASSED in 11.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/sparse:conjugate_gradient_test_cpu PASSED in 10.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:argmax_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:basic_gpu_test_cpu PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:cross_grad_test_cpu PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:in_topk_op_test_cpu PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:topk_op_test_cpu PASSED in 8.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:bias_op_test_cpu PASSED in 143.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:conv1d_test_cpu PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:cudnn_deterministic_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:morphological_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 9.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:pooling_ops_3d_test_cpu PASSED in 23.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:softsign_op_test_cpu PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:xent_op_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 133.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/proto:decode_proto_op_test PASSED in 7.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/sparse_ops:sparse_reshape_op_test PASSED in 8.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/sparse_ops:sparse_xent_op_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 80.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/strings_ops:regex_full_match_op_test PASSED in 7.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/strings_ops:string_bytes_split_op_test PASSED in 9.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/strings_ops:string_format_op_test PASSED in 8.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/strings_ops:string_join_op_test PASSED in 6.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/strings_ops:string_strip_op_test PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/variables:partitioned_variables_test PASSED in 11.1s //tensorflow/python/lib/io:file_io_test PASSED in 8.7s //tensorflow/python/lib/io:tf_record_test PASSED in 8.5s //tensorflow/python/ops/losses:util_test PASSED in 6.2s //tensorflow/python/ops/memory_tests:custom_gradient_memory_test_cpu PASSED in 10.5s //tensorflow/python/ops/numpy_ops:np_interop_test_cpu PASSED in 38.6s //tensorflow/python/ops/numpy_ops:np_logic_test_cpu PASSED in 9.0s //tensorflow/python/ops/numpy_ops:np_random_test_cpu PASSED in 67.8s //tensorflow/python/ops/parallel_for:gradients_test_cpu PASSED in 9.0s //tensorflow/python/ops/parallel_for:xla_control_flow_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 56.0s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor_op_test PASSED in 6.2s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_dynamic_partition_op_test_cpu PASSED in 16.6s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_eager_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_expand_dims_op_test PASSED in 6.0s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_map_fn_op_test PASSED in 13.5s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_math_ops_test PASSED in 12.5s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_one_hot_op_test PASSED in 9.5s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_range_op_test PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_reverse_op_test PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_row_lengths_op_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_util_test PASSED in 23.2s //tensorflow/python/platform:build_info_test PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/platform:resource_loader_test PASSED in 1.9s //tensorflow/python/platform:stacktrace_handler_test PASSED in 14.9s //tensorflow/python/profiler:pprof_profiler_test PASSED in 7.1s //tensorflow/python/profiler:profiler_client_test_cpu PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/profiler/internal:print_model_analysis_test PASSED in 6.4s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:loader_test PASSED in 11.3s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:method_name_updater_test PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:pywrap_saved_model_fingerprinting_test PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:save_test PASSED in 24.8s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:signature_def_utils_test PASSED in 7.0s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:simple_save_test PASSED in 7.1s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:utils_test PASSED in 7.0s //tensorflow/python/saved_model/registration:tf_registration_test PASSED in 12.5s //tensorflow/python/summary:plugin_asset_test PASSED in 7.7s //tensorflow/python/tools:saved_model_utils_test PASSED in 7.3s //tensorflow/python/trackable:resource_test PASSED in 6.6s //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_da_test_cpu PASSED in 10.3s //tensorflow/python/training:adagrad_test_cpu PASSED in 13.8s //tensorflow/python/training:device_setter_test_cpu PASSED in 7.5s //tensorflow/python/training:gradient_descent_test_cpu PASSED in 11.3s //tensorflow/python/training:server_lib_same_variables_no_clear_test PASSED in 7.0s //tensorflow/python/training:supervisor_test PASSED in 13.9s //tensorflow/python/training:training_ops_mlir_test_cpu PASSED in 7.2s //tensorflow/python/training:warm_starting_util_test PASSED in 24.1s //tensorflow/python/training/experimental:loss_scale_test PASSED in 27.3s //tensorflow/python/training/saving:saveable_object_util_test PASSED in 7.4s //tensorflow/python/util:deprecation_test PASSED in 7.5s //tensorflow/python/util:fast_module_type_test PASSED in 6.8s //tensorflow/python/util:lock_util_test PASSED in 8.5s //tensorflow/python/util:nest_test PASSED in 11.0s //tensorflow/python/util:serialization_test PASSED in 6.7s //tensorflow/python/util:tf_decorator_test PASSED in 6.7s //tensorflow/python/util:tf_export_test PASSED in 6.6s //tensorflow/python/util:tf_inspect_test PASSED in 7.5s //tensorflow/python/util:type_annotations_test PASSED in 6.9s //tensorflow/python/util/protobuf:protobuf_compare_test PASSED in 3.7s //tensorflow/tools/common:public_api_test PASSED in 2.1s //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:all_renames_v2_test PASSED in 6.3s //tensorflow/tools/compatibility:tf_upgrade_test PASSED in 6.5s //tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph_test PASSED in 2.2s //tensorflow/tsl/distributed_runtime/preemption:preemption_sync_manager_test PASSED in 5.5s //tensorflow/tsl/framework:cancellation_test PASSED in 1.6s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:buffered_inputstream_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:random_inputstream_test PASSED in 0.3s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:table_test PASSED in 4.1s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/io:zlib_buffers_test PASSED in 3.9s //tensorflow/tsl/lib/random:distribution_sampler_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:errors_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:float8_test PASSED in 0.7s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:mutex_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:numbers_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:refcount_test PASSED in 0.7s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:status_matchers_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform:subprocess_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:expiring_lru_cache_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:gcs_throttle_test PASSED in 0.3s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:oauth_client_test PASSED in 0.3s //tensorflow/tsl/platform/cloud:time_util_test PASSED in 0.3s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/lib:traceme_encode_test PASSED in 0.2s //tensorflow/tsl/profiler/utils:timespan_test PASSED in 0.1s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/optimization:optimization_test PASSED in 18.7s Stats over 2 runs: max = 18.7s, min = 12.7s, avg = 15.7s, dev = 3.0s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:window_test PASSED in 41.8s Stats over 2 runs: max = 41.8s, min = 27.2s, avg = 34.5s, dev = 7.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:conv2d_backprop_filter_grad_test_cpu PASSED in 112.9s Stats over 2 runs: max = 112.9s, min = 6.3s, avg = 59.6s, dev = 53.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:triangular_solve_test_cpu PASSED in 57.6s Stats over 3 runs: max = 57.6s, min = 53.9s, avg = 56.2s, dev = 1.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/random:multinomial_op_big_test_cpu PASSED in 11.8s Stats over 3 runs: max = 11.8s, min = 9.2s, avg = 10.1s, dev = 1.2s //tensorflow/tools/docs:tf_doctest NO STATUS //tensorflow/python:nn_fused_batchnorm_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 13.6s Stats over 4 runs: max = 13.6s, min = 12.0s, avg = 12.9s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:map_and_batch_test PASSED in 44.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 44.7s, min = 27.3s, avg = 32.3s, dev = 7.2s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:fixed_length_record_dataset_test PASSED in 16.6s Stats over 4 runs: max = 16.6s, min = 4.9s, avg = 9.7s, dev = 4.9s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:from_generator_test PASSED in 25.1s Stats over 4 runs: max = 25.1s, min = 15.6s, avg = 19.5s, dev = 3.6s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:take_while_test PASSED in 36.1s Stats over 4 runs: max = 36.1s, min = 32.2s, avg = 34.4s, dev = 1.5s //tensorflow/python/debug/lib:dumping_callback_test_cpu PASSED in 17.2s Stats over 4 runs: max = 17.2s, min = 16.0s, avg = 16.4s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/python/distribute:cross_device_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 38.1s Stats over 4 runs: max = 38.1s, min = 25.9s, avg = 31.4s, dev = 4.6s //tensorflow/python/distribute:strategy_gather_test_2gpu PASSED in 26.7s Stats over 4 runs: max = 26.7s, min = 16.2s, avg = 21.2s, dev = 4.8s //tensorflow/python/distribute:strategy_gather_test_xla_2gpu PASSED in 21.9s Stats over 4 runs: max = 21.9s, min = 9.5s, avg = 15.2s, dev = 5.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:concat_op_test_cpu PASSED in 15.0s Stats over 4 runs: max = 15.0s, min = 12.7s, avg = 13.7s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_lower_triangular_test_cpu PASSED in 48.2s Stats over 4 runs: max = 48.2s, min = 46.4s, avg = 47.2s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_util_test_cpu PASSED in 6.9s Stats over 5 runs: max = 6.9s, min = 6.1s, avg = 6.4s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:scan_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 14.5s Stats over 6 runs: max = 14.5s, min = 10.2s, avg = 12.0s, dev = 1.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:segment_reduction_ops_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/python/distribute/experimental/rpc:rpc_ops_test PASSED in 8.5s Stats over 7 runs: max = 8.5s, min = 3.7s, avg = 5.9s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:matrix_diag_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 60.9s Stats over 8 runs: max = 60.9s, min = 4.7s, avg = 22.6s, dev = 18.7s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:parallel_interleave_test PASSED in 35.1s Stats over 8 runs: max = 35.1s, min = 10.9s, avg = 23.3s, dev = 9.0s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:filter_test PASSED in 17.4s Stats over 8 runs: max = 17.4s, min = 10.0s, avg = 13.8s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib:svd_test_cpu PASSED in 70.9s Stats over 10 runs: max = 70.9s, min = 5.7s, avg = 23.4s, dev = 23.9s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_test_cpu PASSED in 34.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 34.6s, min = 21.3s, avg = 26.9s, dev = 4.3s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_type_spec_test_2gpu PASSED in 22.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 22.2s, min = 5.7s, avg = 13.6s, dev = 5.2s //tensorflow/python/grappler:cluster_test_cpu PASSED in 6.7s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.7s, min = 3.7s, avg = 5.1s, dev = 1.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:array_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 13.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 13.2s, min = 8.0s, avg = 10.3s, dev = 1.5s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:load_test_cpu PASSED in 51.3s Stats over 10 runs: max = 51.3s, min = 27.9s, avg = 33.2s, dev = 6.6s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:dynamic_sharding_test PASSED in 20.6s Stats over 16 runs: max = 20.6s, min = 7.2s, avg = 12.8s, dev = 3.4s //tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function:polymorphic_function_test_cpu FLAKY, failed in 3 out of 18 in 22.8s Stats over 18 runs: max = 22.8s, min = 11.4s, avg = 15.5s, dev = 2.9s /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/7043a081cadd05f91bd91c35f2a2c120/execroot/org_tensorflow/bazel-out/aarch64-opt/testlogs/tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function/polymorphic_function_test_cpu/shard_4_of_15/test_attempts/attempt_1.log /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/7043a081cadd05f91bd91c35f2a2c120/execroot/org_tensorflow/bazel-out/aarch64-opt/testlogs/tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function/polymorphic_function_test_cpu/shard_13_of_15/test_attempts/attempt_1.log /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/7043a081cadd05f91bd91c35f2a2c120/execroot/org_tensorflow/bazel-out/aarch64-opt/testlogs/tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function/polymorphic_function_test_cpu/shard_10_of_15/test_attempts/attempt_1.log //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:metrics_test PASSED in 44.3s Stats over 20 runs: max = 44.3s, min = 8.9s, avg = 19.7s, dev = 10.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:embedding_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 23.5s Stats over 20 runs: max = 23.5s, min = 3.2s, avg = 6.7s, dev = 4.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/sparse:csr_sparse_matrix_sparse_mat_mul_grad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:iota_test_cpu PASSED in 13.2s Stats over 30 runs: max = 13.2s, min = 11.4s, avg = 12.0s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:scalar_computations_test_cpu PASSED in 8.3s Stats over 32 runs: max = 8.3s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.4s, dev = 0.6s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:auto_shard_test PASSED in 15.2s Stats over 32 runs: max = 15.2s, min = 3.3s, avg = 9.9s, dev = 3.3s
Executed 701 out of 3527 tests: 698 tests pass, 1 fails to build and 2828 were skipped. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. stdout_lines: <omitted>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=52 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Monday 05 December 2022 03:20:13 +0000 (0:36:33.051) 1:23:40.297 ******* =============================================================================== tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2318.88s tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 2193.05s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 261.10s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 50.14s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 43.59s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 30.97s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 23.97s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 19.45s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 12.40s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.56s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.54s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 6.97s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.62s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 4.34s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 4.31s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 3.61s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.12s python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package --- 3.07s bazel : fetch Bazelisk v1.12.0 binary from Github ----------------------- 2.29s python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package --- 2.22s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 111.57 MB...] //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:prng_test_cpu PASSED in 7.6s Stats over 6 runs: max = 7.6s, min = 6.7s, avg = 7.1s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:diag_op_test_cpu PASSED in 93.5s Stats over 6 runs: max = 93.5s, min = 8.3s, avg = 24.7s, dev = 30.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:reduction_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 44.6s Stats over 6 runs: max = 44.6s, min = 23.6s, avg = 35.6s, dev = 6.5s //tensorflow/python/distribute/experimental/rpc:rpc_ops_test PASSED in 10.3s Stats over 7 runs: max = 10.3s, min = 3.7s, avg = 6.8s, dev = 2.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:matrix_diag_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 54.6s Stats over 8 runs: max = 54.6s, min = 3.5s, avg = 21.1s, dev = 17.2s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:matrix_diag_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 81.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 81.2s, min = 4.7s, avg = 30.2s, dev = 26.4s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:csv_dataset_test PASSED in 56.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 56.2s, min = 18.7s, avg = 33.6s, dev = 14.4s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:parallel_interleave_test PASSED in 35.1s Stats over 8 runs: max = 35.1s, min = 15.0s, avg = 25.2s, dev = 7.3s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:coordinated_read_ft_test PASSED in 45.1s Stats over 8 runs: max = 45.1s, min = 14.5s, avg = 29.2s, dev = 12.9s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:coordinated_read_test PASSED in 31.9s Stats over 8 runs: max = 31.9s, min = 14.1s, avg = 22.1s, dev = 7.5s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:fault_tolerance_test PASSED in 22.3s Stats over 8 runs: max = 22.3s, min = 13.0s, avg = 15.8s, dev = 3.0s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:filter_test PASSED in 17.0s Stats over 8 runs: max = 17.0s, min = 12.2s, avg = 14.1s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:flat_map_test PASSED in 21.1s Stats over 8 runs: max = 21.1s, min = 13.0s, avg = 16.8s, dev = 2.9s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:shard_test PASSED in 21.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 21.2s, min = 14.6s, avg = 18.5s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:tf_record_dataset_test PASSED in 22.5s Stats over 8 runs: max = 22.5s, min = 11.3s, avg = 16.2s, dev = 3.4s //tensorflow/python/distribute/failure_handling:failure_handler_test PASSED in 109.9s Stats over 8 runs: max = 109.9s, min = 36.2s, avg = 77.1s, dev = 24.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linalg_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 57.3s Stats over 8 runs: max = 57.3s, min = 31.5s, avg = 44.3s, dev = 9.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_block_diag_test_cpu PASSED in 135.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 135.2s, min = 89.2s, avg = 114.3s, dev = 13.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_block_lower_triangular_test_cpu PASSED in 91.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 91.2s, min = 81.6s, avg = 86.4s, dev = 3.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:depthwise_conv_op_d9m_test_cpu PASSED in 59.5s Stats over 8 runs: max = 59.5s, min = 3.8s, avg = 13.7s, dev = 18.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:depthwise_conv_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.4s Stats over 8 runs: max = 7.4s, min = 3.5s, avg = 6.4s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/signal:fft_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 18.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 18.2s, min = 8.4s, avg = 12.6s, dev = 4.1s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:dynamic_ragged_shape_test PASSED in 48.0s Stats over 8 runs: max = 48.0s, min = 29.0s, avg = 37.2s, dev = 6.4s //tensorflow/python/ops/ragged:ragged_tensor_test PASSED in 31.2s Stats over 8 runs: max = 31.2s, min = 15.6s, avg = 22.5s, dev = 4.5s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:conv2d_test_cpu PASSED in 8.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 8.6s, min = 6.4s, avg = 7.5s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:conv2d_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 9.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 9.2s, min = 5.9s, avg = 7.2s, dev = 1.2s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:image_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 17.0s Stats over 10 runs: max = 17.0s, min = 10.8s, avg = 13.8s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 15.5s Stats over 10 runs: max = 15.5s, min = 7.0s, avg = 10.6s, dev = 2.6s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:random_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 11.9s Stats over 10 runs: max = 11.9s, min = 6.5s, avg = 8.9s, dev = 1.6s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 80.3s Stats over 10 runs: max = 80.3s, min = 38.6s, avg = 58.6s, dev = 14.0s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 81.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 81.2s, min = 39.3s, avg = 60.2s, dev = 14.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib:tridiagonal_test_cpu PASSED in 6.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.6s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.0s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu:cpu_runtime_test PASSED in 2.9s Stats over 10 runs: max = 2.9s, min = 1.0s, avg = 2.3s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python:special_math_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 42.5s Stats over 10 runs: max = 42.5s, min = 4.9s, avg = 11.9s, dev = 10.6s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_test_2gpu PASSED in 36.7s Stats over 10 runs: max = 36.7s, min = 25.0s, avg = 29.4s, dev = 3.7s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_test_cpu PASSED in 39.0s Stats over 10 runs: max = 39.0s, min = 18.6s, avg = 27.4s, dev = 5.9s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_type_spec_test_2gpu PASSED in 17.8s Stats over 10 runs: max = 17.8s, min = 4.5s, avg = 11.3s, dev = 4.2s //tensorflow/python/distribute:input_lib_type_spec_test_cpu PASSED in 22.1s Stats over 10 runs: max = 22.1s, min = 8.3s, avg = 15.4s, dev = 4.7s //tensorflow/python/framework:config_vgpu_test_2gpu PASSED in 6.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.4s, min = 2.7s, avg = 3.9s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/python/framework:config_vgpu_test_cpu PASSED in 6.8s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.8s, min = 4.5s, avg = 5.8s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/framework:function_test_cpu PASSED in 68.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 68.4s, min = 5.0s, avg = 13.4s, dev = 18.6s //tensorflow/python/grappler:cluster_test_cpu PASSED in 7.4s Stats over 10 runs: max = 7.4s, min = 6.6s, avg = 6.9s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:array_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 12.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 12.6s, min = 8.2s, avg = 10.6s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:inplace_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 6.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 6.6s, min = 5.3s, avg = 6.0s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:tensor_array_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 11.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 11.6s, min = 7.4s, avg = 9.2s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_kronecker_test_cpu PASSED in 72.0s Stats over 10 runs: max = 72.0s, min = 63.5s, avg = 66.3s, dev = 2.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_low_rank_update_test_cpu PASSED in 152.3s Stats over 10 runs: max = 152.3s, min = 147.3s, avg = 149.2s, dev = 1.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:tridiagonal_matmul_op_test_cpu PASSED in 108.8s Stats over 10 runs: max = 108.8s, min = 3.0s, avg = 15.5s, dev = 31.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/sparse:csr_sparse_matrix_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 62.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 62.6s, min = 33.2s, avg = 48.0s, dev = 9.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:segment_reduction_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 34.3s Stats over 10 runs: max = 34.3s, min = 8.2s, avg = 15.8s, dev = 9.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:pooling_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 31.8s Stats over 10 runs: max = 31.8s, min = 6.9s, avg = 13.0s, dev = 9.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:rnn_test_cpu PASSED in 9.1s Stats over 10 runs: max = 9.1s, min = 5.8s, avg = 7.7s, dev = 1.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/random:random_index_shuffle_test PASSED in 8.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 8.2s, min = 5.9s, avg = 7.0s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/random:stateless_random_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 92.6s Stats over 10 runs: max = 92.6s, min = 17.0s, avg = 54.7s, dev = 36.0s //tensorflow/python/saved_model:load_test_cpu PASSED in 53.2s Stats over 10 runs: max = 53.2s, min = 29.9s, avg = 35.0s, dev = 6.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:fft_test_cpu PASSED in 22.6s Stats over 12 runs: max = 22.6s, min = 6.9s, avg = 13.4s, dev = 6.0s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests:group_by_reducer_test PASSED in 16.7s Stats over 12 runs: max = 16.7s, min = 5.1s, avg = 9.2s, dev = 3.8s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:memory_cleanup_test_cpu PASSED in 9.2s Stats over 12 runs: max = 9.2s, min = 4.2s, avg = 6.7s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/python/distribute:multi_process_runner_test_cpu PASSED in 224.1s Stats over 12 runs: max = 224.1s, min = 11.6s, avg = 50.5s, dev = 58.5s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linear_operator_circulant_test_cpu PASSED in 132.3s Stats over 15 runs: max = 132.3s, min = 123.3s, avg = 128.1s, dev = 2.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:rnn_cell_test_cpu PASSED in 52.8s Stats over 15 runs: max = 52.8s, min = 4.9s, avg = 13.0s, dev = 11.3s //tensorflow/python:image_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 35.8s Stats over 16 runs: max = 35.8s, min = 9.9s, avg = 19.4s, dev = 8.1s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:worker_tags_test PASSED in 23.6s Stats over 16 runs: max = 23.6s, min = 3.3s, avg = 13.1s, dev = 5.9s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:snapshot_test PASSED in 26.0s Stats over 16 runs: max = 26.0s, min = 11.0s, avg = 16.8s, dev = 4.0s //tensorflow/python/ops/parallel_for:control_flow_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 69.2s Stats over 16 runs: max = 69.2s, min = 12.7s, avg = 22.0s, dev = 13.4s //tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function:polymorphic_function_test_cpu FLAKY, failed in 1 out of 16 in 20.0s Stats over 16 runs: max = 20.0s, min = 13.7s, avg = 16.5s, dev = 1.8s /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/7043a081cadd05f91bd91c35f2a2c120/execroot/org_tensorflow/bazel-out/aarch64-opt/testlogs/tensorflow/python/eager/polymorphic_function/polymorphic_function_test_cpu/shard_12_of_15/test_attempts/attempt_1.log //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:map_test PASSED in 27.3s Stats over 19 runs: max = 27.3s, min = 13.2s, avg = 19.7s, dev = 4.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:linalg_grad_test_cpu NO STATUS //tensorflow/compiler/tests:pooling_ops_3d_test_cpu PASSED in 6.6s Stats over 20 runs: max = 6.6s, min = 3.2s, avg = 4.8s, dev = 1.2s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:pooling_ops_3d_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 7.7s Stats over 20 runs: max = 7.7s, min = 3.7s, avg = 5.4s, dev = 1.4s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:pooling_ops_test_cpu_mlir_bridge_test PASSED in 9.6s Stats over 20 runs: max = 9.6s, min = 2.6s, avg = 5.1s, dev = 2.0s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:dot_operation_single_threaded_runtime_test_cpu PASSED in 11.9s Stats over 20 runs: max = 11.9s, min = 8.9s, avg = 10.2s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:dot_operation_test_cpu PASSED in 12.6s Stats over 20 runs: max = 12.6s, min = 9.7s, avg = 11.0s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:metrics_test PASSED in 43.7s Stats over 20 runs: max = 43.7s, min = 8.5s, avg = 20.6s, dev = 10.2s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/array_ops:matrix_band_part_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.4s Stats over 20 runs: max = 7.4s, min = 4.4s, avg = 6.1s, dev = 0.9s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/data_structures:barrier_ops_test PASSED in 14.5s Stats over 20 runs: max = 14.5s, min = 3.0s, avg = 6.5s, dev = 3.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:eig_op_test PASSED in 38.9s Stats over 20 runs: max = 38.9s, min = 3.5s, avg = 13.1s, dev = 12.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:norm_op_test_cpu PASSED in 7.2s Stats over 20 runs: max = 7.2s, min = 3.6s, avg = 5.1s, dev = 1.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:normalize_op_test_cpu PASSED in 13.2s Stats over 20 runs: max = 13.2s, min = 5.0s, avg = 7.9s, dev = 2.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:qr_op_test_cpu PASSED in 175.0s Stats over 20 runs: max = 175.0s, min = 35.8s, avg = 94.6s, dev = 40.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:batch_matmul_op_test_cpu PASSED in 17.0s Stats over 20 runs: max = 17.0s, min = 5.8s, avg = 10.0s, dev = 3.8s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:matmul_op_test_cpu PASSED in 27.0s Stats over 20 runs: max = 27.0s, min = 17.3s, avg = 21.6s, dev = 2.6s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:tensordot_op_test_cpu PASSED in 69.1s Stats over 20 runs: max = 69.1s, min = 5.7s, avg = 29.7s, dev = 21.6s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:local_workers_test PASSED in 18.9s Stats over 24 runs: max = 18.9s, min = 5.8s, avg = 12.9s, dev = 3.5s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:interleave_test PASSED in 25.9s Stats over 24 runs: max = 25.9s, min = 8.9s, avg = 14.7s, dev = 4.3s //tensorflow/python/data/kernel_tests:sample_from_datasets_test PASSED in 25.7s Stats over 24 runs: max = 25.7s, min = 3.2s, avg = 8.7s, dev = 5.3s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:select_and_scatter_test_cpu PASSED in 31.0s Stats over 25 runs: max = 31.0s, min = 5.9s, avg = 9.9s, dev = 6.5s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:convolution_variants_test_cpu PASSED in 7.7s Stats over 30 runs: max = 7.7s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.5s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:iota_test_cpu PASSED in 13.8s Stats over 30 runs: max = 13.8s, min = 11.4s, avg = 12.1s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:params_test_cpu PASSED in 6.2s Stats over 30 runs: max = 6.2s, min = 5.6s, avg = 5.8s, dev = 0.2s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:reshape_test_cpu PASSED in 7.9s Stats over 30 runs: max = 7.9s, min = 6.4s, avg = 6.9s, dev = 0.3s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/nn_ops:conv_ops_3d_test_cpu PASSED in 29.2s Stats over 30 runs: max = 29.2s, min = 3.2s, avg = 9.7s, dev = 5.9s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:reduce_test_cpu PASSED in 7.9s Stats over 31 runs: max = 7.9s, min = 6.2s, avg = 7.1s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:scalar_computations_test_cpu PASSED in 7.8s Stats over 32 runs: max = 7.8s, min = 5.7s, avg = 6.2s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:auto_shard_test PASSED in 19.8s Stats over 32 runs: max = 19.8s, min = 8.2s, avg = 14.1s, dev = 3.2s //tensorflow/python/data/experimental/kernel_tests/service:data_service_ops_test PASSED in 24.5s Stats over 32 runs: max = 24.5s, min = 8.1s, avg = 15.8s, dev = 3.9s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:batch_normalization_test_cpu PASSED in 9.5s Stats over 40 runs: max = 9.5s, min = 7.1s, avg = 8.3s, dev = 0.6s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:bfloat16_test_cpu PASSED in 7.3s Stats over 40 runs: max = 7.3s, min = 5.8s, avg = 6.5s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:conv_depthwise_backprop_filter_test_cpu PASSED in 8.5s Stats over 40 runs: max = 8.5s, min = 6.7s, avg = 7.5s, dev = 0.4s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:slice_test_cpu PASSED in 10.4s Stats over 40 runs: max = 10.4s, min = 6.0s, avg = 7.2s, dev = 0.8s //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/quantization/tensorflow/python:quantize_model_test PASSED in 65.5s Stats over 50 runs: max = 65.5s, min = 9.1s, avg = 28.8s, dev = 21.7s //tensorflow/compiler/tests:sort_ops_test_cpu PASSED in 41.6s Stats over 50 runs: max = 41.6s, min = 2.8s, avg = 10.2s, dev = 8.6s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:conv_depthwise_test_cpu PASSED in 9.3s Stats over 50 runs: max = 9.3s, min = 6.2s, avg = 7.2s, dev = 0.6s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:convolution_test_1d_no_vmodule_cpu PASSED in 9.4s Stats over 50 runs: max = 9.4s, min = 7.0s, avg = 8.0s, dev = 0.5s //tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:convolution_test_cpu PASSED in 10.4s Stats over 50 runs: max = 10.4s, min = 7.4s, avg = 8.9s, dev = 0.7s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/sparse:csr_sparse_matrix_grad_test_cpu PASSED in 7.4s Stats over 50 runs: max = 7.4s, min = 2.8s, avg = 3.9s, dev = 1.1s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/sparse:csr_sparse_matrix_sparse_mat_mul_grad_test_cpu PASSED in 6.7s Stats over 50 runs: max = 6.7s, min = 3.0s, avg = 3.9s, dev = 1.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:cwise_ops_binary_test_cpu PASSED in 30.5s Stats over 50 runs: max = 30.5s, min = 7.4s, avg = 15.1s, dev = 6.0s //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/math_ops:cwise_ops_unary_test_cpu PASSED in 12.7s Stats over 50 runs: max = 12.7s, min = 2.7s, avg = 4.9s, dev = 2.5s
Executed 3044 out of 3528 tests: 3038 tests pass, 1 fails to build and 489 were skipped. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. stdout_lines: <omitted>
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=52 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Tuesday 06 December 2022 03:50:39 +0000 (1:08:08.909) 1:54:06.235 ****** =============================================================================== tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 4088.91s tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2243.50s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 265.41s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 51.22s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 45.38s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 26.46s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 22.79s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 15.20s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 10.53s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 8.21s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.60s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.51s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 7.26s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 6.23s python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package --- 5.69s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 4.76s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.62s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.13s bazel : fetch Bazelisk v1.12.0 binary from Github ----------------------- 2.60s python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package --- 2.22s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 34.50 KB...]
TASK [python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0] ********************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:00:09 +0000 (0:00:02.117) 0:03:35.687 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [python : get list of wheel files matching h5py~=3.6.0] ******************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:30 +0000 (0:04:20.449) 0:07:56.137 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : get filename of latest h5py~=3.6.0 wheel] *********************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:30 +0000 (0:00:00.269) 0:07:56.406 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : install h5py-3.6.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Python package] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:30 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:07:56.458 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing] ************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:33 +0000 (0:00:02.963) 0:07:59.422 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [python : get list of wheel files matching Keras_Preprocessing] *********** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:38 +0000 (0:00:05.588) 0:08:05.010 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : get filename of latest Keras_Preprocessing wheel] *************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:39 +0000 (0:00:00.268) 0:08:05.279 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : install Keras_Preprocessing-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Python package] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:39 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:08:05.331 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [python : build wheels of Python package scipy] *************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:41 +0000 (0:00:02.217) 0:08:07.548 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [python : get list of wheel files matching scipy] ************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:48 +0000 (0:00:07.319) 0:08:14.867 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : get filename of latest scipy wheel] ***************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:49 +0000 (0:00:00.269) 0:08:15.137 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:49 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:08:15.189 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [build and install wheels of binary Python packages for TensorFlow 1.15] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:56 +0000 (0:00:07.522) 0:08:22.711 **** skipping: [localhost] => (item=Keras_Applications)
TASK [tensorflow : Reset checkout to clean state] ****************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:56 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:08:22.757 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : remove TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git sources from previous build] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.831) 0:08:23.588 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL git source] ********************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:08:23.631 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [unpack tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL git source] ********************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:08:23.674 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Rename source dir for oneDNN build] ************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.038) 0:08:23.712 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git] ************************************ Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:08:23.755 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Get oneline version of git log for this checkout] *********** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.038) 0:08:23.793 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Show git log] *********************************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:08:23.832 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Record git commit hash to variable] ************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.037) 0:08:23.871 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Save git commit hash to file] ******************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:08:23.910 **** skipping: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Create linklibs shell script] ******************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:57 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:08:23.949 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : create readme file about unit tests] ************************ Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:58 +0000 (0:00:00.458) 0:08:24.407 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : add to the copied files] ************************************ Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:58 +0000 (0:00:00.468) 0:08:24.875 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : add to the long_description in] ******************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:59 +0000 (0:00:00.478) 0:08:25.354 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : use nightly package requirements] *************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:04:59 +0000 (0:00:00.467) 0:08:25.821 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Get python site-packages location] ************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:05:00 +0000 (0:00:00.263) 0:08:26.084 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Configure default TensorFlow settings] ********************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:05:00 +0000 (0:00:00.618) 0:08:26.703 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Set Python bin path] **************************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:05:01 +0000 (0:00:00.473) 0:08:27.177 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m] ************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:05:01 +0000 (0:00:00.477) 0:08:27.655 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Clean bazel install] **************************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:42:21 +0000 (0:37:19.778) 0:45:47.433 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m] *** Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:42:21 +0000 (0:00:00.388) 0:45:47.821 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Extract number of tests run] ******************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:23 +0000 (1:06:01.705) 1:51:49.527 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : Show number of tests run] *********************************** Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:27 +0000 (0:00:03.939) 1:51:53.466 **** ok: [localhost] => ut_tests_line: 'Executed 3533 out of 3533 tests: 3533 tests pass.'
TASK [stop bazel server] ******************************************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:27 +0000 (0:00:00.172) 1:51:53.639 ****
TASK [stop bazel server] ******************************************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:27 +0000 (0:00:00.188) 1:51:53.827 **** changed: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : get list of wheel files] ************************************ Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:49 +0000 (0:00:21.601) 1:52:15.429 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : get filename of latest wheel] ******************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:49 +0000 (0:00:00.300) 1:52:15.729 **** ok: [localhost]
TASK [tensorflow : install Python package] ************************************* Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:49 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 1:52:15.782 **** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false cmd: - /tmp/workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/bin/pip - install - --extra-index-url - - -c - /tmp/workspace/wheels//upper-constraints.txt - /tmp/workspace/tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL-git/tensorflow-pkg/tensorflow_aarch64-2.12.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl msg: |- stdout: Looking in indexes:, Processing ./workspace/tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL-git/tensorflow-pkg/tensorflow_aarch64-2.12.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_aarch64.whl Requirement already satisfied: h5py>=2.9.0 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (3.6.0) Collecting opt-einsum>=2.3.2 Downloading opt_einsum-3.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (65 kB) 65.5/65.5 KB 9.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Requirement already satisfied: protobuf<3.20,>=3.9.2 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (3.19.4) Collecting jax>=0.3.15 Downloading jax-0.3.25.tar.gz (1.1 MB) 1.1/1.1 MB 11.0 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Preparing metadata ( started Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'done' Requirement already satisfied: packaging in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (21.3) Requirement already satisfied: grpcio<2.0,>=1.24.3 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (1.51.1) Requirement already satisfied: in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (2.12.0.dev2022120608) Collecting termcolor>=1.1.0 Downloading termcolor-1.1.0.tar.gz (3.9 kB) Preparing metadata ( started Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'done' Collecting astunparse>=1.6.0 Downloading astunparse-1.6.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Collecting tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem>=0.23.1 Downloading (2.8 MB) 2.8/2.8 MB 10.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Collecting wrapt>=1.11.0 Downloading wrapt-1.12.1.tar.gz (27 kB) Preparing metadata ( started Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'done' Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.20 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (1.21.6) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.12.0 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (1.15.0) Requirement already satisfied: absl-py>=1.0.0 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (1.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=3.6.6 in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) ( Collecting libclang>=13.0.0 Downloading libclang-14.0.6-py2.py3-none-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl (12.6 MB) 12.6/12.6 MB 10.9 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Collecting flatbuffers>=2.0 Downloading flatbuffers-2.0.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) Collecting google-pasta>=0.1.1 Downloading google_pasta-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (57 kB) 57.5/57.5 KB 11.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Collecting gast<=0.4.0,>=0.2.1 Downloading gast-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB) Requirement already satisfied: in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (2.12.0.dev2022120609) Requirement already satisfied: tb-nightly~=2.12.0.a in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (2.12.0a20221206) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from tensorflow-aarch64==2.12.0) (47.1.0)
:stderr: ERROR: Package 'tensorflow-aarch64' requires a different Python: 3.7.15 not in '>=3.8' WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 22.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/workspace/venv-cp37-cp37m/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* localhost : ok=58 changed=34 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=18 rescued=0 ignored=0
Wednesday 07 December 2022 03:48:57 +0000 (0:00:07.329) 1:52:23.111 **** =============================================================================== tensorflow : Run unit tests on TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m 3961.71s tensorflow : build TensorFlow-oneDNN-ACL git for cp37-cp37m ---------- 2239.78s python : build wheels of Python package h5py~=3.6.0 ------------------- 260.45s install bazel build requirements --------------------------------------- 51.47s tensorflow : populate cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------- 43.45s python : install numpy build requirements ------------------------------ 26.46s fetch tensorflow-oneDNN-ACL from git ----------------------------------- 23.39s stop bazel server ------------------------------------------------------ 21.60s python : install h5py build requirements ------------------------------- 16.90s python : create cp37-cp37m virtualenv ---------------------------------- 14.89s install tensorflow build requirements ----------------------------------- 7.65s python : install scipy-1.7.3-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl Python package --- 7.52s tensorflow : install Python package ------------------------------------- 7.33s python : build wheels of Python package scipy --------------------------- 7.32s python : build wheels of Python package Keras_Preprocessing ------------- 5.59s python : build wheels of Python package numpy>=1.20 --------------------- 5.50s python : build wheels of Python package grpcio -------------------------- 5.26s Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 4.62s tensorflow : Extract number of tests run -------------------------------- 3.94s python : enable EPEL ---------------------------------------------------- 3.09s Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure