Hi All,
I am setting an HTTPS instance of LAVA, I can access the LAVA UI and am
able to log in as well. I am using a self-signed SSL certificate.
I have added *URL=" <>"* in the
/etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-worker file and restarted the service. It's
giving me the below error.
*2023-10-30 07:10:47,383 ERROR -> server error: code 5032023-10-30
07:10:47,383 DEBUG --> HTTPSConnectionPool(host='',
port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
/scheduler/internal/v1/workers/debian/?version=2023.10 (Caused by
certificate verify failed: self signed certificate (_ssl.c:1123)')))*
Do we need to configure some extra settings in case we are using a
self-signed certificate? any help will be appreciated.
Hello everyone,
There seems to be a bug in LAVA. I was on version 2022.04 and have also tried 2023.03. Both versions have the same bug.
The same configurations works in a 2018 build of LAVA on an old machine.
I am trying to connect to an always on board via ssh.
The healthcheck is failing with this error :
lava-dispatcher, installed at version: 2023.03<>start: 0 validate<>Start time: 2023-04-12 14:07:00.373707+00:00 (UTC)<>Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/job.py", line 198, in validate self._validate() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/job.py", line 183, in _validate self.pipeline.validate_actions() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/action.py", line 190, in validate_actions action.validate() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/actions/deploy/ssh.py", line 81, in validate if "serial" not in self.job.device["actions"]["deploy"]["connections"]: KeyError: 'connections' <> validate duration: 0.00<>case: validate
case_id: 244238
definition: lava
result: fail
<><>Cleaning after the job<>Root tmp directory removed at /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/8857<>LAVABug: This is probably a bug in LAVA, please report it.<>case: job
case_id: 244239
definition: lava
error_msg: 'connections'
error_type: Bug
result: fail<>
The health check looks like this:
job_name: SSH check
minutes: 10
minutes: 2
priority: medium
visibility: public
- deploy:
timeout: # timeout for the connection attempt
seconds: 30
to: ssh
os: oe
- boot:
minutes: 2
prompts: ['root@(.*):~#']
method: ssh
connection: ssh
- test:
minutes: 5
- repository:
format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
name: smoke-tests-basic
description: "Basic smoke test"
- lava-test-case linux-linaro-ubuntu-pwd --shell pwd
- lava-test-case linux-linaro-ubuntu-uname --shell uname -a
- lava-test-case linux-linaro-ubuntu-vmstat --shell vmstat
- lava-test-case linux-linaro-ubuntu-ip --shell ip a
from: inline
name: smoke-tests-basic
Any ideas ?
Best regards,
Hello everyone,
I hava a worker in docker container, and the container runs in a Ubuntu x86 PC.
now I want to make the Ubuntu x86 PC as a device and connect device to the worker run on it. Then I can execute job test actions commands in device.
Which kind of connection should I choose?
I am newer , and I try to make new device.
there is no uboot, kerner ... on my system.
for boot, we just need run cmd on host "echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0" , it is the mcu serial port.
then I can get boot log from /dev/ttyUSB1 , it is thesoc serial port.
the following is the job
device_type: orinshort
job_name: for orinshort device
minutes: 20
minutes: 15
priority: medium
visibility: public
- deploy:
minutes: 10
to: flasher
The following is the my device, it is very sample:
{# orin test short #}
{% extends 'orinshort.jinja2' %}
{% set connection_list = ['usb1'] %}
{% set connection_tags = {'usb1': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}
{% set connection_commands = {'usb1': 'telnet localhost 10009'} %}
{% set flasher_reset_commands = ['/tmp/test.sh'] %}
{% block body %}
commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}
{% endblock body %}
I don't know how to set boot with serial port .
1. about cmd echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0
0.1 when I input the cmd on the host shell : echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0 , soc can be reset
0.2 when I add it to test.sh and run it with the following code in device, soc can be reset too
commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}
0.3 when I use {% set flasher_reset_commands = ['echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0) '] %} , it doesn't work.
{% set flasher_reset_commands = ['echo \"reset 1\" > /dev/ttyUSB0) '] %} , it is doesn't work.
So how to echo cmd to /dev/ttyUSB0 by flasher: -> commands?
2. how to set boot with serial port in device jinja2 file?
if I add the fowllowing code , the test can't run
serial: usb1
3. I think the normal process is to configure deploy boot and other operations in the job. but I don't know how to do with my case.
just run cmd on host "echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0" to start system, how to select the method?
how to run flasher_reset_commands in job yaml file?
4. If the job can't start
job state is Submitted and can't start test, how to debug? where is the log?
I am newer and my system is special , it just like docker, there is now uboot kernel, we need special cmd to deploy and boot
so it is hard for me, please give me a hand for it.
Thanks Paweł Wieczorek,
I'm not aware this new feature, magic job by you guys, thanks.
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: About timeouts. (Paweł Wieczorek)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 12:43:51 +0200
From: Paweł Wieczorek <pawiecz(a)collabora.com>
Subject: [lava-users] Re: About timeouts.
To: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Message-ID: <32bdd741-289a-ae09-d994-f73b069a892f(a)collabora.com>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Hi Larry,
On 11.10.2023 08:04, Larry Shen wrote:
> Hi, guys, I have a question about timeout:
> 1) For next job, the boot action block's timeout will be 5 minutes,
> while pdu-reboot timeout will be 10 seconds.
> timeouts:
> job:
> minutes: 10
> action:
> minutes: 5
> actions:
> pdu-reboot:
> seconds: 10
> connection:
> minutes: 2
> actions:
> - boot:
> failure_retry: 4
> method: bootloader
> bootloader: u-boot
> commands: []
> prompts: ['=>']
> 2. But after we add timeouts to boot actions, the boot action timeout
> is 2 minutes now, that's OK. But the individual pdu-reboot timeout
> will be the left time of 2 minutes.
> actions:
> - boot:
> failure_retry: 4
> method: bootloader
> bootloader: u-boot
> commands: []
> prompts: ['=>']
> timeout:
> minutes: 2
> My question is: for the second item, if possible we could let
> pdu-reboot remain the value "10 seconds"?
> Above is just an example to explain my question. What I really want to
> achieve is: sometimes, I want to specify the timeout for "uboot wait
> for interrupt", I want to fail that individual sub-action quickly,
> then we are possible retry this action quickly without wait for the
> whole boot action timeout.
You can set action block timeouts also for individual actions [0][1] - in your case it could look like:
- boot:
failure_retry: 4
method: bootloader
bootloader: u-boot
commands: []
prompts: ['=>']
minutes: 2
seconds: 10
This feature should be available if you're running LAVA 2023.01 or newer [2].
Kind regards,
> Any idea? Thanks.
> Regards,
> Larry
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Hi, guys, I have a question about timeout:
1) For next job, the boot action block's timeout will be 5 minutes, while pdu-reboot timeout will be 10 seconds.
minutes: 10
minutes: 5
seconds: 10
minutes: 2
- boot:
failure_retry: 4
method: bootloader
bootloader: u-boot
commands: []
prompts: ['=>']
2. But after we add timeouts to boot actions, the boot action timeout is 2 minutes now, that's OK. But the individual pdu-reboot timeout will be the left time of 2 minutes.
- boot:
failure_retry: 4
method: bootloader
bootloader: u-boot
commands: []
prompts: ['=>']
minutes: 2
My question is: for the second item, if possible we could let pdu-reboot remain the value "10 seconds"?
Above is just an example to explain my question. What I really want to achieve is: sometimes, I want to specify the timeout for "uboot wait for interrupt", I want to fail that individual sub-action quickly, then we are possible retry this action quickly without wait for the whole boot action timeout.
Any idea? Thanks.
There are mcu and soc on my board, two serial port for them( ttyusb0:mcu, ttyusb1:soc), the hostpc ( it is used for lava worker) connected to the two serial ports, and reboot soc cmd is echo "soc boot" > /dev/ttyUSB0 . then we can see boot log at ttyUSB1.
We want to use lava to test soc system, it is arm64 with linux , without uboot . and we hope to add build action in the device.
So the deploy and boot steps should be:
1. run build.sh on hostpc (it should be lava worker) and check the result (failed and pass)
2. run echo "soc burn" > /dev/ttyUSB0 on hostpc to change the soc to burn mode, and check the result (failed and pass)
3. run burn.sh on hostpc to burn to soc , and check the result (failed and pass)
4. run echo "soc boot" > /dev/ttyUSB0 to reboot soc , and check the result (failed and pass)
5. connect to /dev/ttyUSB1 to get soc boot log, and check the result (failed and pass)
6. ssh to the linux of soc.
What I want to know is:
1. Is the above design feasible on lava?
2. What do I need to do for this? Are there any device type templets that I can refer to?
The following is my lava system, I can run the test job with qemu device now.
~/work/src/lava $ dpkg -l |grep lava
ii lava 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture metapackage
ii lava-common 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture common
ii lava-coordinator 2022.11.1+10+buster all LAVA coordinator daemon
ii lava-dev 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture developer support
ii lava-dispatcher 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture dispatcher
ii lava-dispatcher-host 2022.11.1+10+buster all LAVA dispatcher host tools
ii lava-server 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture server
ii lava-server-doc 2022.11.1+10+buster all Linaro Automated Validation Architecture documentation
ii lava-tool 0.25-2 all deprecated command line utility for LAVA
ii lavacli 0.9.7+buster all LAVA XML-RPC command line interface
~/work/src/lava $
Hi, guys,
I currently have 2 jobs:
- boot:
failure_retry: 4
method: bootloader
bootloader: u-boot
commands: []
prompts: ['=>']
minutes: 2
- test:
minutes: 4
- name: check-uboot
prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "]
- command: "printenv"
name: printenv
- message: "soc_type=imx93"
- deploy:
to : uuu
images :
boot :
url : /path/to/bootloader
- boot:
method: uuu
commands :
- bcu: reset usb
- uuu: -b sd {boot}
- bcu: deinit
minutes: 2
- boot:
method: bootloader
bootloader: u-boot
commands: []
prompts: ['=>']
minutes: 2
- test:
- name: check-uboot
prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "]
- command: "printenv"
name: printenv
- message: "soc_type=imx93"
minutes: 2
The first job just boot the board and check if the bootloader ok, the second job flash a new bootloader to board everytime before check the bootloader.
I wonder if possible for me to combine the two, define next logic in a job:
1. Boot the board to check the uboot
2. If uboot is ok, then the job finish
3. If uboot not ok or action timeout, then go to flash action to flash new bootloader to the device, then job finish.
The idea is: the step 3 is optional, we only flash a new bootloader when previous boot action failure.
Hi all.
I am trying to setup my own embedded device using multinode API.
The senario is simple. target needs to wait until host role done.
The test action that wait for host role done looks like this:
- test:
- name: send_target_ready
- 'Generate Erased Block'
- command: null
name: result
- lava-send: booted
- lava-wait: done
- target
The multinode job done very well, but the test action I mentioned not show live logs from the device uart connection.
Is it possible to show live logs from the device while waiting with 'lava-wait host'?