Hi all,
over the last days I was trying to bring up a setup where we simply try
to boot up a kernel and initrd combination that is provided by Debian
"as is". Sounds trivial at first but I ran into a problem with the
The initrd contains some microcode, shipped as prepended uncompressed
archive. The microcode is added because the intel-microcode package was
installed during image generation.
When such an initrd enters the LAVA machinery, where the initrd is
first unpacked and later re-packed the file gets corrupted in a way
that the kernel is unable to unpack/use it. The end result was that NFS
boot did not work as the mounting of the rootfs did not take place.
Interestingly there is no error message, not within the unpack/repack
step in LAVA and the kernel does not complain later during the boot
sequence either.
To disable the LAVA unpack/repack sequence I had to modify my deploy
action. Setting install_overlay and install_modules [2] to false seems
to qualify as workaround:
- deploy:
minutes: 15
to: tftp
url: <kernel-url>
url: <initrd-url>
install_overlay: false
install_modules: false
Looking at the initramfs-tools implementation [1] I think that
something similar is missing in LAVA.
Does that make sense? Ideas / comments?
Best regards,
[1] https://gitlab.com/lava/lava/-/blob/master/lava_dispatcher/actions/deploy/a…
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/initramfs-tools/-/blob/master/unmkinit…
Siemens AG, Technology
Linux Expert Center
We are seeing below the "Proxy Error" message while loading log size logs
from the LAVA job .
Is there any solution to load a long size log file from a LAVA job ?
[image: image.png]
Hi All,
My board is configured at 55000 baud for serial communication. Can work
only at this baud, Can we use lava with this configuration to get console
prints in test method. Default lava is supporting telnet with standard baud
rates. Is there a way to make 55000 baud for uart and get prints on lava.
Nagendra S
In a previous thread where I was getting help to do a serial connection, I also needed help with the deploy action towards the end, so I'm just continuing that here.
I have been trying to do a deploy action for a couple of days now, and have been unsuccessful thus far. The obvious first hurdle is the image URLs for the various things needed for a tftp deploy action. I have compiled a u-boot kernel, and a DTB came with it, and I managed to sort the few errors I got with those (for now at least). I'm not sure modules are necessary, but I can figure that out later. The biggest issue I'm having is with the ramdisk.
There are many resources online for creating a ramdisk, but it is just a space in the ram for things to be stored temporarily (which I don't mind). But this does not work for lava, as it seems to require a file. I have tried compressing the directory created, and passing that, but because it is still just a directory lava won't accept it after I start the job.
So I'm assuming I have to acquire some kind of image somehow, how can I do this? Is there an online source I can download from? Or if I have to make it, how?
Best regards,
The process I expect is:
1. test board restart
2. catch the bootup log by serial port
3. deploy the test suit (test script) by ssh
4. run test case by ssh or uart (ssh is better)
5. These are concentrated in one yaml and all logs are captured.
Now I try to restart the test board by below code, it works, board reboot successfully
{% if flasher_reset_commands %}
commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}
{% endif %}
test yaml
- deploy:
minutes: 30
to: flasher
But if I add ssh to deploy in the device file, the yaml remains unchanged and I will be prompted with device BAD.
device as blow:
{# device_type: orinnew #}
{% extends 'base.jinja2' %}
{% block body %}
{% if flasher_reset_commands %}
commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}
{% endif %}
{{ ssh_options }}
# primary connections get this from the device dictionary.
# secondary connections get this from the lava-multinode protocol support.
host: "{{ ssh_host|default('') }}"
port: {{ ssh_port|default(22) }}
user: "{{ ssh_user|default('root') }}"
identity_file: "{{ ssh_identity_file }}"
{% endblock body %}
1. Where did I go wrong to cause this problem?
2. Every time you paste code, there will be formatting problems. How to paste code in this mail list? It has an effect similar to markdown.
Hey all,
I am currently trying to add a raspberry pi device to my lava installation however it keeps saying that I have an invalid device configuration.
This is the device dictionary
{% extends 'bcm2711-rpi-4-b.jinja2' %}
{% set connection_list = ['uart0']%}
{% set connnection_commands = {'uart0': 'telnet 7002'}%}
{% set connection_tags = {'uart0': ['primary','telnet']}%}
{% set power_off_command = 'python /hbus_power.py off' %}
{% set hard_reset_command = 'python /hbus_power reboot' %}
{% set power_on_command = 'python /hbus_power on' %}
Is there anything I'm doing wrong with this? or any other ideas as to what could be wrong?
I have started trying to connect my DUT and run tests via serial. I'm not sure if it's a me issue, or a documentation issue, but I can't seem to puzzle it together.
My DUT is connected to my worker via serial, and I've configured my ser2net.yaml file (docs say it's a .config, but I found no such thing) with both the provided example and something based on what was already in there. The problems arise in the job definition, and device dictionary. I've made a (pretty much) blank device template which extends base-uboot, and does nothing else.
The device dictionary defines power_off_command, power_on_command, soft_reboot, and the connection_(list, commands, and tags). There is also the baud rate and console device
However, I've also seen some device templates use a root device instead or alongside console device, what's the difference?
Whenever I use my worker IP for the telnet command, I get connection refused, but if I use the DUT IP the connection times out after 2 minutes.
I can connect to the device using minicom, so I don't think the serial connection is bad, and I have no problems using SSH on the device and other systems connected to my network.
The only information I have on the device is that it's ARMv5TEJ, it has a custom kernel and runs on otherwise custom hardware.
Below is my device dict:
{% extends 'test-template.jinja2' %}
{% set power_off_command = 'python /power.py off' %}
{% set soft_reboot_command = 'reboot' %}
{% set power_on_command = 'python /power.py on' %}
{% set connection_list = ['uart0'] %}
{% set connection_commands = {'uart0': 'telnet dispatcher01 7001'} %}
{% set connection_tags = {'uart0': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}
{% set console_device = 'ttyUSB0' %}
{% set baud_rate = 115200 %}
My questions are:
- Difference between root_device and console_device in device dictionary/template?
- Do I set the telnet command to use my worker IP or my DUT IP?
- Is there something other than telnet I'm meant to or can use?
- How am I actually meant to configure the ser2net.yaml?
- How do I define the test job for serial to execute commands on the DUT?
Hi all,
Recently I updated device dictionary for my devices in lava server machine.
I added {% set user_commands = {'start_tpm': {'do': 'cmd1',
'undo': 'cmd2' }%}
in the following file /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices/qemu-01.jinja2
After updating I was successfully able to use these user defined commands in my job definitions using command action where ever i needed them.
But a strange thing is happening after I made the above mentioned changes is I am unable to start the job where it is throwing Infrastructure error: Cannot find command '' in $PATH` when I use minimal boot action in my job.
I cross checked this in 2 ways,
1. I removed my user command device dictionary related changes from my lava server and my job is starting and is completed successfully even if i have minimal boot action in my job.
2. I changed my boot action from ( method: minimal ) to (method: qemu , media: tmpfs ), and i retained user command device dictionary changes in my device template.. In this case also the job started and is completed successfully.
So is there some conflict between adding commands to device dictionary and using minimal boot action in our job ?
I am not sure how these two are related. My use-case badly requires minimal boot actions in my job as well as some user defined commands in device template. Please have a look at my job definition and run log https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1089996. I needed minimal boot action to finish the boot action only if i get a particular shutdown-message or else I want it to timeout and be incomplete.
Can anyone please help me how to resolve this issue ?