Hi, there,
Frequently, I found when a job becomes incomplete there will immediately a health check job on that device happen automatically to check the status of the device.
But strange, some times I won't see that healthy check job.
So, my question is: when I see that healthy check job, is it just by chance? Or it really designed that there will be a healthy check after incomplete job? Thanks.
I hope that the mail subject set up an easy, cheerful background for
this discussion ;-). This definitely goes into the "stupid questions"
department. My plan was to collect "evidence"/feedback from my
colleagues, then at the Connect BUD20, crash into LAVA/QA rooms and ask
what I/we are doing wrong. As circumstances changed, but the "testing
debt" only builds up, there's little choice but to try figure out these
matters over a much narrower pipe.
So, before proceeding to the question per se, let me theorize that the
reasons why such questions come up at all, are sufficient differences in
the intended LAVA usage patterns. In other words, how I'd like to use
LAVA on the LITE team side may differ from how LAVA team intends it to
be used, or how QA team uses (the biggest user would it be). The
issue? How I'd intend to use it is IMHO one the most basic ways to use a
test system.
So, what's that usage? Well, I'm not much interested in "interactive"
use (submit jobs manually from my machine). Our interest is in
unattended automated CI, of which the testing system is the second half
after the build system. So let me remind how our build system, Jenkins,
works. Normally, it just builds binaries and uploads them to a
publishing server. It's invisible to me in this phase, and my
engineering work goes uninterrupted. But when a build fails, I get an
email with details about a failure. And I'll continue to get them while
it continues to fail. So, the only option I have is to go see the
failure, investigate, and fix it. When I arrive at Jenkins, I can easily
see which jobs failed and which not, then within each job, see which
builds failed and which succeeded. That's very easy, because failed
things are red, and successful things are green.
So, we've now arrived at the main question of this email - Why I don't
seem to be able to use LAVA in the same way? Why LAVA offers only
"Incomplete" and "Complete" job statuses? "Incomplete" is understood -
it's an infrastructure failure, such a job is definitely "failed". But
"Complete" doesn't give me any useful information whether the job
succeeded or failed. Because a "Complete" job may still have any number
of tests failed. And that's exactly the "last mile" LAVA misses to go:
for any test job, I want to see a cumulative number of test cases which
failed, straight at the page like
https://lite.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/alljobs . Then, I'd like
to filter out jobs which has this number >0. Then I'd like to receive a
notification only for "failed" jobs, "failed" defined as
"status != Complete OR failed_testcases > 0".
So, what am I missing and how to make LAVA work like the above?
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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After the recent Linaro Tech Day LAVA presentation I have been looking into the new
support in LAVA v2020.02 for deploying fastboot on the host to docker rather than lxc.
I am running my lava worker in a docker image derived from the linaro lava docker images
and so wanted to ask if the new feature supported docker in docker for the fastboot
I just started working with hardware, firmware and lava. You have a big
documentation, but for me it's sometimes difficult to find something.
I wanted to submit a job on just one device like my "bbb-03" and not on
every beaglebone-black. Is there a device-tag to choose a device like
"device_type: "? My next question is if there is also a worker tag for a
job submit? For example I just want to run all "beaglebone-black" on my
Is there also a list of all job submissions tags with examples? I just
found the one for the "actions" part.
I'm sorry for disturbing and maybe the stupid question. But thank you for
your answer in advance.
I wish you a nice day
As you know, we are trying to release a new version of LAVA every month.
We are delaying this month release (2020.03) due to some issues and crashes
that we found in the last days.
Issues where found on staging.vlo, lavafed and meta-lava, proving that the
CI is working.
Where are currently working on fixing the issues and proving that LAVA is
ready for release.
The next release should be ready for the end of next week and would be
called 2020.04.
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Architect
I recently went "on a spree" to submit a number of LAVA UI issues
either accumulated in my mind or just caught on exhaustive search for a
feature I miss. They are at
and I believe all of them worth fixing (and don't bring in concerns
like backward compatibility). So, they're up for triaging by the
maintainers and feedback from the community to confirm they're indeed
such. (Then, I'd be able to help with addressing them, as much as I
There're more issues, about which I'm less sure. So, instead of
submitting such as bugs, let me ask for a feedback in the email,
starting with this one:
When you prepare a job definition YAML to submit to LAVA, in it you
something like:
job_name: 'zephyr-net-ping #823-2ac65a24'
It may be not immediately obvious, but what you had as a "job name" in
the YAML, ends up as a "description" when you visit job list in the
LAVA UI (E.g. at https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/alljobs).
"Is it that much of a difference? Most people wouldn't even notice!"
you may think, and I can only second that. I for one never paid
attention to that for on-and-off, mostly very light usage of LAVA for
some 10 years (i.e. I started yet with the previous version which
might look different at all).
And indeed, it won't make any difference until may want to start
querying job results. And I would like to share a story of what that
difference costed me.
Here's a patch I submitted in June 2017:
with a commit message and inline comment of: "For some reason, LAVA
doesn't allow to query by real job name, so we need to duplicate it as
Here's another patch which I submitted based on the analysis I
present here: https://review.linaro.org/c/ci/job/configs/+/34677
So, for almost 3 years I lived with a misconception that LAVA can't
query by a job name.
Call it an extreme case. Call me dumb. Say that there's autocompletion
for field names and any person with some agility of mind would type
different characters and would notice "description" as available field.
Yeah, I did all that. But I'm with me from 3 years ago: for me, "job
name" is "zephyr-net-ping #823-2ac65a24". "job description" would be
something like "Ping Zephyr dumb_http_server sample with packets of
different size and interval". To the best of my knowledge, there's no
such a field in jobdef YAML to include such a description, and I
definitely don't include it in my jobs, so never would I try to search
anything in "description", for the lack thereof in my jobs.
Unless I have too much time to apply random "genetic algorithms" to
LAVA UI or just do exhaustive search thru it. Which I usually don't
have time for (I'm not a test engineer, but a developer, with "test
that code" always in backlog). Until recently, when testing debt has
really become pressing, and I decided to face all "skeletons in closed"
I had with LAVA ;-).
So, even 3 years haven't passed until I "did my homework" on searching
jobs by name. But my point would be that there should be no need for any
"homework" regarding these matters, it all should just work right away
without double-thinking and guesswork.
And I would consider this a genuine bug. I'm less sure about fixing
though. Because it's not a matter of just changing a few UI labels.
It's more pervasive, as e.g. this URL shows:
And seeing that URL, one can actually conjecture how that "description"
appeared in the UI: it's actually name of the database table. Which
just bled into system public interface. Too bad, because another public
interface uses "job name" for that field, and internal naming like db
fields shouldn't prevail.
Anyway, I'm not going to argue that DB should be migrated, and it won't
help, as we definitely don't want to break existing queries, etc. So,
the only way to fix that would be to alias existing "description" to
clearer "name" (or "jobname", "job_name"), and perform mapping on DB
access. I'm note sure if it's worth. Based on my experience, I'd go
for it, and it doesn't sounds like rocker science. But only
maintainers could imagine how kludgy it would be in the actual LAVA
database and if it's worth it, taking into account other tasks and
Thanks for reading the story (rant?).
Best Regards,
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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I am facing the issue while porting Host's "adb-devices" to
lava-dispatcher docker.
Please can some one provide the right steps to detect "adb-devices" in
"lava-dispatcher" docker?
Current steps: (still my lava-dispatcher fail to detect the Host's
1. Lauch the LAVA-lab using "docker-compose up" from the repo "
2. add "/dev/bus/usb" , "/etc/udev/rules.d" and "privileged: True" to
"lava-dispatcher" i.e
" dispatcher:
image: lavasoftware/lava-dispatcher:2019.12
container_name: lava_dispatcher
privileged: True
- /dev/kvm # needed for QEMU
- /dev/net/tun # needed for QEMU
- /dev/bus/usb
- NET_ADMIN # needed for QEMU
- "DISPATCHER_HOSTNAME=--hostname=dispatcher"
- "LOGGER_URL=tcp://server:5555" # url to send logs
- "MASTER_URL=tcp://server:5556" # url of lava master
- '/boot:/boot:ro'
- '/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro'
- '/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb'
- '/etc/udev/rules.d:/etc/udev/rules.d'"
3. Run the command #docker-compose up
4. Login to lava-dispatcher #docker exec -it <dispatcher-name" bash
#apt-get update;apt-get install android-tools-adb
android-tools-fastboot usbutils
#adb devices
Can some one let me know the steps to detect my host's "adb-devices" in
lava-dispatcher's docker?
I am able to boot and run the tests with Provisioned(booted) board using
attached YAML i.e "working_yaml.yaml".
But, I am facing the issue while running the tests on Provisioned (booted)
board with out "-boot" section. (you can see my YAML file as mentioned
below which I have used now)
Please can some one help me for the same?
1. Basically I am facing the connection issue with out "-boot" section.
2. Why this dependency to connect terminal for boot section ? ( I am
able to connect serial port when I use "-boot" section in yaml file)
3. Please can some one provide me right YAML to run my tests with out
"-boot" section. ( to resolve serial connection issue with out "-boot"
device_type: beaglebone-black
job_name: begalbone healthcheck
minutes: 30
minutes: 15
minutes: 5
priority: medium
visibility: public
test_character_delay: 10
#- boot:
# timeout:
# minutes: 15
# method: minimal
## reset: false
## auto_login:
## login_prompt: '.* login:'
## username: root
# prompts:
# - root@dragonboard-410c:~#
- test:
- name: reset
prompts: ["#"]
- name: reset
command: reset
Interesting topic, one question:
What will the new LAVA rest api look? a) or b) ? I wish it could b), then we could ease our master's pressure...
a) Django-rest-framework alike, synchronous
b) Tornado alike, asynchronous
-----Original Message-----
From: Lava-users <lava-users-bounces(a)lists.lavasoftware.org> On Behalf Of lava-users-request(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 8:00 PM
To: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: [EXT] Lava-users Digest, Vol 19, Issue 2
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Today's Topics:
1. LAVA RESTful API feedback and plans (Stevan Radakovi?)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 09:17:00 +0100
From: Stevan Radakovi? <stevan.radakovic(a)linaro.org>
To: "lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org"
Subject: [Lava-users] LAVA RESTful API feedback and plans
Message-ID: <34b9c19d-b0eb-2d85-0c85-a4e536a1812e(a)linaro.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
Hello community,
With the LAVA release of 2020.02 we now have a REST API framework that we fell covers all the functionalities of the already existing XMLRPC API.
Since the long-term plan is to drop the XMLRPC support, we now encourage everyone to use REST and we also would like to hear feedback about any additional features that you'd like to see as part of the REST API.
Our plan is to slowly move lavacli
<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.lava…> project to use REST API exclusively, after that we will schedule the deprecation of the XMLRPC API.
Stevan Radakovi? | LAVA Engineer
Linaro.org <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.linaro.org&data…> ? Open source software for ARM SoCs
Right now I am trying to run tests on Provisioned(booted) board with out
using physical Power switches .
But, I am seeing below soft reboot lines while using the attached YAML
start: 1 minimal-boot (timeout 00:15:00) [common]
start: 1.1 connect-device (timeout 00:15:00) [common]
[common] connect-device Connecting to device using 'telnet ser2net 5001'
end: 1.1 connect-device (duration 00:00:01) [common]
start: 1.2 reset-device (timeout 00:14:59) [common]
start: 1.2.1 send-reboot-commands (timeout 00:14:59) [common]
No soft reboot command defined in the test job. Using defaults.
reboot -n
reboot -n
reboot -nf
reboot -nf
I want to change my soft reboot command as "reset" instead of
"reboot"/"reboot -n"/"reboot -nf".
Please can some one let me know as how can I change default soft reboot
command to "reset" ?