What is the procedure to follow in order to upgrade LAVA to a new release
while preserving the test results database? I am using the docker-based
I tried
> sudo tar cvzf lava-server-pgdata-backup.tgz
> /var/lib/docker/volumes/lava-server-pgdata
> <wipe away old LAVA, rebase to latest>
> sudo tar xvzf lava-server-pgdata-backup.tgz -C
> /var/lib/docker/volumes/lava-server-pgdata
But the old results don't seem to show up in the UI after the upgrade. Also
the user accounts, settings, etc. are gone, and it'd have been nice to keep
Vincent Wan
Hi, guys,
I have a job like next:
- test:
minutes: 10
image: terceiro/android-platform-tools
- from: inline
name: smoke-case
path: inline/install-google-fastboot.yaml
format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
name: smoke-case-run
description: Run smoke case
- env
- sleep 10
- adb devices
- adb root
- sleep 10
- adb devices
- lava-test-case get-release-version --shell adb shell getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint
It output as next:
+ sleep 10
+ adb devices
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
List of devices attached
040c41d4d72d7393 device
+ adb root
+ sleep 10
+ adb devices
List of devices attached
+ lava-test-case get-release-version --shell adb shell getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint
<LAVA_SIGNAL_STARTTC get-release-version>
Received signal: <STARTTC> get-release-version
error: device '040c41d4d72d7393' not found
<LAVA_SIGNAL_ENDTC get-release-version>
Received signal: <ENDTC> get-release-version
Received signal: <TESTCASE> TEST_CASE_ID=get-release-version RESULT=fail
You know "adb root" will make usb bus change during run, so could docker shell handle this? How can I make above work? Thanks.
Hello Team,
With the existing JLink.py library i have modified and able to flash
multiple *.bin files in single instance/Job. I have used method : Jlink in
But On the Renesas boards, After flash the binaries through Debugger Say
Will get U-boot prints at ttyACM0. I can see the prints through ser2net
telnet host.
Q1. How to send command at uboot level while using JLink boot method. I
need to *send run xa_boot from uboot prompt: =>*
*Below is sample Job description :*
- boot:
method: jlink
prompts: ["=>"]
commands: ["run xa_boot"]
minutes: 5
*i am getting following error :*
*Invalid job definition:*
extra keys not allowed @ data['actions[1]']['boot']['jlink']['prompts']
I tried with out prompts and commands key values in job description Job
terminated once the flash has done.
Attached logs for reference:
Looking forward for your kind response
Nagendra S
Hello Team,
To get better understanding the lava frame work , Can any one share me the code
flow diagram for LAVA.
I have gone through the available Doc's in lava, but i did not understand
the flow properly.
thanks & Regards
Nagendra S
Hi Team,
I am using U-boot method to boot up to linux.
But at the end of booting means before gets the login prompt it got hanged
at here..
[ 3.759014] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x30[?25lfbv - The
Framebuffer Viewer/root/images/renesas_logo-800x480.jpg800 x 480[?25hWelcome
to Buildroot
after 2 minutes got *buildroot login: [ 90.929835] random: crng init done *
due to this Lava did not fetch "root" string and unable to login. And i
have seen stange string in lava while booting
[?25h .
I am able to boot manually (with out lava) with out an issue. And i did
not get [?25h string ..
How to avoid this problem .Attaching job description/device dictionary
files .
[ 2.837060] Run /sbin/init as init process�Starting logging: OKread-only
file system detected...doneStarting network: OKWed Oct 31 09:00:00 UTC 2018[
3.759014] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x30[?25lfbv - The
Framebuffer Viewer/root/images/renesas_logo-800x480.jpg800 x 480[?25hWelcome
to Buildrootbuildroot login: [ 90.929835] random: crng init done
The Renesas board I am using behaves as a USB to UART adapter through
/dev/ttyACM0 at 115200bps. Created the board instance in device dictionary
file as:
{% extends 'rza1h.jinja2' %}
{% set board_id = '0000000000001' %}
{% set console_device = 'ttyACM0' %}
{% set baud_rate = baud_rate|default(115200) %}
{% set usb_mass_device =
{% set connection_list = ['usb0'] %}
{% set connection_tags = {'usb0': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}
{% set connection_commands = {'usb0': 'telnet localhost 2000'} %}
With the above configuration, Dispatcher(Remote worker) flashes the board
through JLink.And I can see flashing log in the Job console.
But Even i specified the UART connection like (/dev/ttyACM0, 115200bps). I
am not getting the u-boot logs on /dev/ttyACM0. Did i miss any other
configuration to add in device dictionary???.
Manaually, I can able to see uboot prints on the console through minicom
with /dev/ttyACM0 with 115200bps.
Attaching logs for reference.
Nagendra S
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [EXT] [Lava-users] Test jobs to boot the targets through
To: Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>
Hi Andrei,
Good Morning !!
*lava-dispatcher machine did not reach the serial on the device*
I have debug the issue. Issue is telnet socket connection is not up. Now i
am able to flash Renesas board using Jlink Debugger through LAVA.
Attached job
[image: lava_jlink_uboot_download.png]
[image: lava_jlink_uboot_flash.png]
Thanks!! for your good time to debug this issue.
Now i am able to flash U-boot @specific offset say-0x18000000. Need to
flash .dtb,Kernal & rootfs. Should i run again with different Job's or Can
i run in single Job?? . Can you Please share your thoughts !!
Nagendra S
On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 5:45 PM Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91(a)gmail.com>
> Hi Andrei,
> Thanks for your kind response :) :)
> 1.
> *Is your board flashed with the desired uboot? You can check by erasing
> the flash and then running lava, the desired uboot should be flashed on the
> board.*
> Ans. Using lava, i am unable to flash with u boot also. As you mention I
> have erased the flash up to 0 0x2000000 and tried again getting same
> issue.error_msg: Invalid job data: ["Invalid device configuration - missing
> 'commands'"].
> 2.* Can you lava-dispatcher machine reach the serial on the device?*
> Ans. In rza1h.jinja2, device-type file: i have added following commands to
> open serial console
> {% set console_device = console_device|default("ttyACM0") %}
> {% set baud_rate = baud_rate|default(115200) %}
> {% set bootloader_prompt = bootloader_prompt|default("=>") %}
> But i don't know* lava-dispatcher** machine reach the serial on the
> device* or not. Due to job immediately terminated.
> *Manually i am able to flash through JLink with following commands* :
> JLinkExe -speed 15000 -if JTAG $JTAGCONF -device R7S721001 -CommanderScript
> load_spi_uboot.txt
> *load_spi_uboot.txt contains following:*
> rx 100
> exec SetSkipProgOnCRCMatch=0
> //
> // Download application into QSPI flash
> //
> loadbin u-boot.bin,0x18000000
> //verifybin u-boot.bin,0x18000000
> exit
> 3. board_id:* '{{ board_id|default('0000000000') }}',usb_vendor_id:
> '1366',usb_product_id: '0101' refers to JLink connected usb right. Can i
> change directly in the device-type .jinja2 file.*
> I am very thankful, if you can share your sample device jinja2 ,
> device-type (jinja2 file) and working job description file.
> I am just stuck with this issue issue.error_msg: Invalid job data:
> ["Invalid device configuration - missing 'commands'"] from last 5 day's. i
> gone through all the mail chain from lava-users but did not get proper
> information.Don't know how to debug this issue.
> Your presence and input is more valuable for me .
> I am attaching used job description and device& device-type .jinja files
> for your reference.
> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 4:04 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Nagendra,
>> Looks like *error_msg*: Invalid job data: ["Invalid device configuration
>> - missing 'commands'"] is issued from serial.py so the validation reached
>> executing serial commands.
>> 1. Is your board flashed with the desired uboot? You can check by
>> erasing the flash and then running lava, the desired uboot should be
>> flashed on the board.
>> 2. Can you lava-dispatcher machine reach the serial on the device?
>> 3. Most likely it’s this pattern in job*.yaml it should look for the
>> printed uboot header of prompt when the board is reset. The configuration
>> below is used by Zephyr RTOS tests.
>> - test:
>> monitors:
>> - name: tests
>> * start: Running test suite common_test*
>> * pattern: '(?P<result>(PASS|FAIL)) - (?P<test_case_id>.*)\.'*
>> fixupdict:
>> PASS: pass
>> FAIL: fail
>> Regards,
>> Andrei G.
>> *From:* Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91(a)gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2020 8:01 PM
>> *To:* Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>;
>> lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
>> *Cc:* andrei.gansari(a)linaro.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [EXT] [Lava-users] Test jobs to boot the targets through
>> trace32
>> *Caution: *EXT Email
>> Hi Andrei, Team,
>> Issue is solved this is because of lava-server & remote worker version
>> mismatch. I tried to boot the DUT (RZA1_RSA , Renesas) Using the
>> rza1h.jinja2 file & job description with Segger Jlink debugger . I am
>> getting following issue:
>> -
>> - *error_msg*: Invalid job data: ["Invalid device configuration -
>> missing 'commands'"]
>> - *error_type*: Job
>> [image: renesas_jlink_Invalid_device_configuration.png]
>> I am looking forward for your kind response..
>> thanks
>> Regards
>> Nagendra S
>> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 8:12 PM Nagendra Singamsetti <
>> nag.singam91(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Andrei , Team,
>> To get hands on knowledge, I have tried to boot Renesas images using
>> JLink & Renesas - RZA1_RSA ver2 board on QSPI flash.
>> I took frdm-k64f.janja2 file as a reference created *rza1h.jinja2* as a
>> device-type. And added device as a *renesas_worker1(DUT)* under
>> device-type *rza1h.* And connected to remote worker.
>> On Remote worker, Segger Jlink debugger is connected to the DUT with jtag
>> cable.
>> But while submitting Job definition i am getting following error.
>> [image: renesas_jlink_job_error.png]
>> Attaching Job files and device-type file for reference.
>> First time i am booting the hardware with Jlink using LAVA framework.
>> Please help me out to debug this issue.
>> Thanks
>> Regards
>> Nagendra S
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 5:28 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>
>> wrote:
>> Please have a look at my pull requests:
>> https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/merge_requests/608/diffs
>> <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.lavas…>
>> - script changes
>> https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/merge_requests/758/diffs
>> <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgit.lavas…>
>> - job sample
>> With JLink you need to install Segger’s software on the server where Lava
>> dispatcher resides (in case you have multiple Lava servers).
>> https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/#J-LinkSoftwareAndDocumentationPack
>> <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.segge…>
>> Regards,
>> Andrei
>> *From:* Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91(a)gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Monday, April 27, 2020 12:42 PM
>> *To:* Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>
>> *Cc:* andrei.gansari(a)linaro.org; lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [EXT] [Lava-users] Test jobs to boot the targets through
>> trace32
>> *Caution: *EXT Email
>> Hi Andrei,
>> Wonderful!!,
>> Thanks for your time ..
>> I need bit support from you, don't mine :) ,Can you please share your
>> Jink scripts. I will use these as a reference will write comparable boot
>> method for trace32 .
>> And if you can, Please share the appropriate Doc (link) to
>> setup(interface) other software's in Lava server. Setup Jlink with Lava
>> server also fine.
>> Regards
>> Nagendra S
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:10 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari(a)nxp.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello Nagendra,
>> JLink was added as most NXP mcus use this interface, there is no support
>> for T32 in Lava as far as I know.
>> Even if they use the same JTAG interface standard, Segger and Lauterbach
>> use different hardware and software to interact.
>> I’ve used JLinkExe command line software (from Segger) to control the
>> debugger, in the case of T32 you will probably need to use Lauterbach’s
>> Trace32 command line software + scripts, such as:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24883140/controlling-trace32-via-comman…
>> <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstackover…>
>> Haven’t used Trace32 GUI software for some years, never used the command
>> line.
>> You can probably create a flashing script starting form JLink scripts,
>> you need to:
>> - setup trace32 software on your Lava server
>> - learn how to use the command to flash your board using a cmm script
>> - change JLink scripts with T32 commands and cmm script generation
>> - pull request your changes so others can benefit 😊
>> Andrei Gansari
>> *From:* Lava-users <lava-users-bounces(a)lists.lavasoftware.org> *On
>> Behalf Of *Nagendra Singamsetti
>> *Sent:* Saturday, April 25, 2020 9:05 AM
>> *To:* Kumar Gala <kumar.gala(a)linaro.org>; andrei.gansari(a)linaro.org
>> *Cc:* lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
>> *Subject:* [EXT] [Lava-users] Test jobs to boot the targets through
>> trace32
>> *Caution: *EXT Email
>> Hi Kumar, Andrei
>> From the previous lava- mailing list i have seen that you people
>> addressed jlink debugger information as like this :
>> *On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 7:33 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari at nxp.com <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.lav…>>*
>> >>* wrote:*
>> >>
>> >>* From the screenshot it looks like you have a version of LAVA that does*
>> >>* not support jlink boot method.*
>> >>
>> >>* JLink was added in version 2019.10-1*
>> >>* On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 2:36 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari at nxp.com <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.lav…>>*
>> >>* wrote:*
>> >>
>> >>* I’ve tested lava+jlink on Cortex M with both onboard debugger and*
>> >>* external debugger, like the one you referenced.*
>> >>
>> >>* You should change the following if needed:*
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>* address:*
>> >>
>> >>* *0x00000000**
>> >>
>> >>* options:*
>> >>
>> >>* - '-device *MK64FN1M0xxx12'**
>> >>
>> >>* - '-if SWD'*
>> >>
>> >>* - '-speed 4000'*
>> Can you please let me know, whether the latest lava version can support trace32 boot method instead jlink/cmsis-dac. trace32 debugger tool is designed by lauterbach and it is licensed one.
>> I am bit afraid whether this support is available from lava server or not as Jlink support added recently.
>> https://www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/app_t32start.pdf <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww2.laut…>
>> We need trace32 debugger support as we are using cortex-M55 processor operations over here.
>> I am looking forward your kind support
>> thanks
>> Regards
>> Nagendra S
Sorry, I missed title, send again.
Hello, Milosz,
Another question:
I see your documentation suggest to use pdudaemon. But I had a look for you
validation lava lab:
I see you use /usr/local/lab-scripts/snmp_pdu_control
I want to know why your lab not use the one which you suggest? I had a look
for pdudaemon, found it won't wait there until PDU operation finish. Will
this have any issue? Will next logic start before the pdu really finish the
Hi Kumar, Andrei
>From the previous lava- mailing list i have seen that you people addressed
jlink debugger information as like this :
*On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 7:33 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari at
nxp.com <https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users>>
*>>* wrote:
*>>>>* From the screenshot it looks like you have a version of LAVA that does
*>>* not support jlink boot method.
*>>>>* JLink was added in version 2019.10-1*
>>* On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 2:36 PM Andrei Gansari <andrei.gansari at nxp.com <https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users>>
*>>* wrote:
*>>>>* I’ve tested lava+jlink on Cortex M with both onboard debugger and
*>>* external debugger, like the one you referenced.
*>>>>* You should change the following if needed:
*>>>>>>>>* address:
*>>>>* *0x00000000*
*>>>>* options:
*>>>>* - '-device *MK64FN1M0xxx12'*
*>>>>* - '-if SWD'
*>>>>* - '-speed 4000'*
Can you please let me know, whether the latest lava version can support
trace32 boot method instead jlink/cmsis-dac. trace32 debugger tool is
designed by lauterbach and it is licensed one.
I am bit afraid whether this support is available from lava server or
not as Jlink support added recently.
We need trace32 debugger support as we are using cortex-M55 processor
operations over here.
I am looking forward your kind support
Nagendra S
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm new to LAVA. I'm still in initial stage to use lava in our farm. I use
customized board with Qualcomm's chip.
Recently I met a question, a very simple job, sometimes when I start to
operate uboot, the serial have chance to be closed. They I set retry in
lava job, let it retry a lots of times, but looks never successfully open
the serial again.
But, after job finish, I quickly open the serial in manual, it's ok!
I search your code a lot, and found in shell.py there is one comments, I
want to know is this the reason that I failed to retry for serial? When
will you fix it?
*# FIXME: deliberately closing the connection (and starting a new one)
needs to be supported.*