Hi lava:
Some question about lava V2 2018.11+stretch:
1、 As lava running for weeks,it tasks minutes for the master to schedule jobs to the lava-slave ,and the normal time maybe 20s below.
When we restar both lava master and lava slave,it schedule job in 20s again.
Can you tell us how to solve the problem,thanks very mutch.
2、we want to know how lava code works,can you give us some document. Sometimes we want to modify the lava steps,but we don’t know how to do.
Dear Lava-Team,
I contacted you a few weeks ago for some help with the integration of a new device. We got a bit further thanks to you but we're faceing some new issues and we hoped that you could help us with this.
We are using the official Docker-Compose<https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/pkg/docker-compose> repository and specified a new device dictionary on the server container. As a device type we use a newly created device type that extends base-fastboot device-type, which looks like this:
{% extends 'rse22.jinja2' %}
{% set power_on_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppson.py' %}
{% set power_off_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppsoff.py' %}
{% soft_reboot_command = 'reboot' %}
{% hard_reset_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppsoff.py && sleep 5 && python ./root/power-control/ppson.py' %}
{% set connection_list = [uart0] %}
{% set connection_commands = {uart0: telnet <ip_host_machine> 7101} %}
{% set connection_tags = {uart0: [primary, 'telnet']} %}
But with this we received the following error:
The error disappeared however when we removed the following lines:
{% set power_on_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppson.py' %}
{% set power_off_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppsoff.py' %}
{% soft_reboot_command = 'reboot' %}
{% hard_reset_command = 'python ./root/power-control/ppsoff.py && sleep 5 && python ./root/power-control/ppson.py' %}
With those lines we are trying to trigger the scripts, which control our power supply directly. Do we have to pay attention to the python dependencies in the scripts or could the error be in the definition itself?
We thought, that we had at least configured the device dictionary sufficiently to have a connection to the device and start a very basic health check. Our device runs Linux, which is running Android on top. The Ser2Net connection has been configured according to the instructions on the repo as well (using the telnet command by itself worked fine).
So we specified the health check like this:
device_type: rsu
job_name: Health Check for RSU
minutes: 30
minutes: 5
minutes: 2
priority: medium
visibility: public
- deploy:
namespace: tlxc
minutes: 5
to: lxc
- android-tools-adb
- android-tools-fastboot
- boot:
method: lxc
- 'root@(.*):/#'
minutes: 5
- test:
minutes: 4
- repository:
format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0
name: hello-world
description: "say hello"
- android
- functional
- apt -q update
- pwd
- echo "echo hello"
# remember to use -y to allow apt to proceed without interaction
# -q simplifies the apt output for logging.
from: inline
name: hello-world
path: inline/hello-world.yaml
When executing, we got the following error:
Could you please give us some advice, on how to define a test job/health check for a device, which uses fast-boot and Android?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
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we recently updated our LAVA setup from 2020.06 to 2020.12.
After a few hickups we’re back running, but we are greeted with a few new warnings:
Our setup uses the iMX8 and the UUU boot method, which uses several, internal variables. Internal = Internal to U-Boot or bash, for example:
> FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${loadaddr}
> FBK: ucmd mkfs.ext4 -F -E nodiscard /dev/mmcblk${mfg_mmcdev}p1
With the recent LAVA version, this causes a warning:
{"dt": "2021-01-25T07:43:46.551216", "lvl": "warning", "msg": "Missing key : '{mfg_mmcdev}' for string 'ucmd mkfs.ext4 -F -E nodiscard /dev/mmcblk${mfg_mmcdev}p1'"}
While I could reduce this by removing the brackets in the first case, this won’t work for the second case.
Is there a way to provide eg a variable whitelist? The 30 warnings boil down to 4-5 variables, so this might be a useful feature addition.
Any other ideas of cause welcome, maybe I will try to use this for my first contribution here 😊
Best regards, Olli
Hi, I am having a problem with using the transfer_overlays command for a
dispatcher in docker. I cannot set the dispatcher ip no matter what I try.
I have tried using the API here : "" but
I get this error when posting : ""detail": "CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing
or incorrect.", I have tried another browser already. I have also tried
creating a dispatcher.yaml file in these locations :
/etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/lava-dispatcher ;
/etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/ ; /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/lava-master.
The ip I have set is simply ignored. Could anybody help please? Thanks
Hi lava:
Some question about lava V2 2018.11+stretch:
1、 As lava running for weeks,it tasks minutes for the master to schedule jobs to the lava-slave ,and the normal time maybe 20s below.
When we restar both lava master and lava slave,it schedule job in 20s again.
Can you tell us how to solve the problem,thanks very mutch.
2、we want to know how lava code works,can you give us some document. Sometimes we want to modify the lava steps,but we don’t know how to do.
Hi, guys,
Recently we are running android VTS test in lava docker test shell, but find all MTP cases fail.
It reports:
01-08 07:42:38 D/ModuleDefinition: Running module armeabi-v7a HalUsbGadgetV1_0HostTest
01-08 07:42:43 I/ModuleListener: [1/5] com.android.tests.usbgadget.HalUsbGadgetV1_0HostTest#testMtp FAILURE: java.lang.AssertionError: MTP not present
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)
at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:41)
at com.android.tests.usbgadget.HalUsbGadgetV1_0HostTest.testMtp(HalUsbGadgetV1_0HostTest.java:113)
I'm a little lost currently, so before I have a deep investigation, I want to know if you can share a link about this case:
I know you guys run android tests on other product always, could share a link for us to reference? Or with good luck you know what's the potential root cause for my failure?
Hi team,
I am Re installing my lava machines with 2020.10. But after upgrading I
have noticed that settings.conf file is missing /etc/lava-server .
Is this expected behaviour??
2. I am unable to access the lava server within the intranet with the
latest version 2020.10. To do this I used to modify settings.conf at
/etc/lava-server/settings.conf with "ALLOWED_HOSTS" to "*". But i am
Bad Request (400)
Kindly help me out to solve this issue!!
Nagendra S
It looks like the apt release is stuck to version 2019.11: https://apt.lavasoftware.org/release/dists/buster/Release
Do I miss something?
Then I tried to use the daily apt source to install a worker (deb https://apt.lavasoftware.org/daily buster main, mentioned on https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/installing_on_debian.html#debian-install…), but then I have a version mismatch with my master...
Sorry to insist... but this version check is really a pain for us. A warning instead would be much more convenient.
Could you please let me know how could I force install of 2020.10 for example? (I mean, a native install, not using Docker)
Thank you very much,
Hi Stevan,
I have followed the steps mentioned in the pages provided by you i.e "
Still my version is same i.e "2019.01-5"
You can find my complete log at https://justpaste.me/id5P .
Only the thing is that I followed below steps
1. Install Debain buster
2. Run #sudo apt install lava
3. Run #sudo apt install lava-dispatcher
4. #wget https://apt.lavasoftware.org/lavasoftware.key.asc
5. #sudo apt-key add lavasoftware.key.asc
6. #sudo apt update
appreciated any suggestions.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:57:14 +0100
> From: Stevan Radakovi? <stevan.radakovic(a)linaro.org>
> To: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> Subject: Re: [Lava-users] How can I upgrade my Lava software to latest
> version (may be 2020.10)
> Message-ID: <6c0c9fb0-069b-142c-59d1-2ff229f37031(a)linaro.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Hello,
> There's everything regarding releases documented here:
> https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/installing_on_debian.html#lava-repositor…
> <
> https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/installing_on_debian.html#lava-repositor…
> >
> You will need to add LAVA signing key prior as described here:
> https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/installing_on_debian.html#lava-archive-s…
> <
> https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/installing_on_debian.html#lava-archive-s…
> >
> Cheers,
> On 11/27/20 8:31 AM, koti koti wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Recently I have installed Lava-Master and Lava-Dispatcher using the
> > steps mentioned below in the corresponding servers.
> >
> > ??????????????? Server:
> > ???????????????? ######
> > ?????????????????????? ?? 1. #sudo install lava
> > ???????????????? Worker (Dispatcher)
> > ???????????????? ###################
> > ????????????????????????? 1. #sudo install lava-dispatcher
> >
> > But the installeve Lava software version is the old version
> (*2019.01-5*).
> >
> > Now I want to upgrade to latest (*may be 2020.10*) lava
> > (https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/tags
> > <https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/tags>)
> >
> > Please can someone let me know the steps to upgrade my lava version to
> > the latest?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Koti
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Lava-users mailing list
> > Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> > https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
> --
> Stevan Radakovi? | LAVA Engineer
> Linaro.org <www.linaro.org> ? Open source software for ARM SoCs
Try to list the available lava versions in your distro initially using the
command "apt policy lava" and downgrade using "sudo apt install <package
version>" .
But, there may be cases in which you must resolve some dependencies to be
able to downgrade the package through.
Hope this may helps you i.e
*Note*: We have not tried this so far. AFAIK before executing these
commands, make sure you take the backup of your lava
modified/configuration files which you have changed for your
production/running setup.
Best of luck!!.
On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 at 17:30, <lava-users-request(a)lists.lavasoftware.org>
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 17:20:08 +0530
> From: Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91(a)gmail.com>
> To: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> Subject: [Lava-users] Unable to upgrade lava server/workers 2020.10
> Message-ID:
> <
> CAFhg_WuWOCMedoDXECg+rcFdtzwPS2ei5m8Q+mpFKjhTgKqa9w(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Team,
> 1. I am trying to upgrade lava machines with the latest version
> 2020.10.previously it was running on 2020.08.
> After Upgrading with the latest 2020.10 i can see that All machines 2
> workers & 1 server went offline. Unable to start services of server/worker
> due to
> *Failed to start lava-master.service: Unit lava-master.service not found.*
> *Failed to start lava-slave.service: Unit lava-slave.service not found.*
> *i have referred following page to upgrade:*
> https://lava.readthedocs.io/en/latest/admin/basic-tutorials/instance/instal…
> 2 . I would like to know how to downgrade to previous versions.
> I am looking for your kind response !!
> Regards
> Nagendra S
> *****************************************