Hi Lava user,
I complied the stable AGL from gerrit repo.
Facing an issue, the init process is failed. I have used the below command to build the ramdisk.
mkimage -A arm64 -T ramdisk -C none -d
Please suggest what wrong I am doing.
Kind Regards,
Gaurav Kumar
Expleo Germany GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft | Corporate Headquarters: M?nchen
Handelsregister | Commercial Register: Amtsgericht M?nchen HRB 83252
Gesch?ftsf?hrung | Management: Ralph Gillessen, Marcus Ganguin
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I am reopening this old thread – we switched this morning to version 2021.03 – which seems to work just fine.
However, the annoying problem mentioned below seems to be still there: without admin rights no one seems to be able to modify the health state of any device, even those who have the proper “can change device” permission for members of our group.
Is this something experienced by other people, or just us ?
From: Sebastien Haezebrouck
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 7:19 PM
To: Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
Subject: RE: [EXT] Re: [Lava-users] Unable to change device health state without being admin
Hi Remi,
Thanks for your answer.
* You can restrict view/submit/change permissions per device and per groups. So go into the specific device admin page (something
* like https://<instance>/admin/lava_scheduler_app/device/<hostname>/change/<https://%3cinstance%3e/admin/lava_scheduler_app/device/%3chostname%3e/change/>).
* At the bottom of the page you will be able to add the restrictions.
This is exactly what I had done previously. Adding the “lava_scheduler_app | device | Can change device” permission to our group does not seem to have any effect.
From: Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort(a)linaro.org<mailto:remi.duraffort@linaro.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 9:55 AM
To: Sebastien Haezebrouck <sebastien.haezebrouck(a)nxp.com<mailto:sebastien.haezebrouck@nxp.com>>
Cc: lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org<mailto:lava-users@lists.lavasoftware.org>
Subject: [EXT] Re: [Lava-users] Unable to change device health state without being admin
Caution: EXT Email
the authorization models changed some time ago. The doc for the new model is here: https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/authorization.html<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.lava…>
You can restrict view/submit/change permissions per device and per groups. So go into the specific device admin page (something like https://<instance>/admin/lava_scheduler_app/device/<hostname>/change/<https://%3cinstance%3e/admin/lava_scheduler_app/device/%3chostname%3e/change/>).
At the bottom of the page you will be able to add the restrictions.
Le jeu. 17 déc. 2020 à 16:47, Sebastien Haezebrouck <sebastien.haezebrouck(a)nxp.com<mailto:sebastien.haezebrouck@nxp.com>> a écrit :
We used to set devices access permission using groups. So we would restrict access to a subset of devices to members of a specific group.
When switching to lava 2020.10, it seems the permission to change a device does not allow to change device health state anymore. This used to be possible in previous version, and was very convenient for maintenance. With 2020.10 it seems only a lava admin is allowed to change a device health.
Is it the expected behavior ? Did I miss an option somewhere ?
A bit more details:
All our devices are set to:
* “device owner”->”Group with physical access” -> our_group.
* “group device permissions”->”lava_sched_app |device | Can change device” -> “Group” -> our_group.
* I intentionally did not give any specific permission to the “our_group” group, like “Can change device”, since it would allow members of this group to change any devices. Access control has to work both ways 😊
Kind regards,
Lava-users mailing list
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Architect
Dear LAVA-Team,
I'm writing you again, because we are still struggling to get our LAVA infrastructure running. Since the last time we have switched from the more advanced Board to a set of three Raspberry Pis, which we want to test with different Operating Systems to gain more experience in using LAVA.
For the configuration of our Raspberry Pi, running Rasbian, we can't quite get past the login and reboot phase. It is connected via serial and integrated with Ser2Net, the device dictionary looks like this now:
{% extends 'bcm2711-rpi-4-b.jinja2' %}
{% set soft_reboot_command = 'sudo reboot' %}
{% set auto_login_prompt = "raspberrypi login:" %}
{% set auto_login_username = "pi" %}
{% set ssh_host = '' %}
{% set connection_list = ['uart0'] %}
{% set connection_commands = {'uart0': 'telnet <HOST IP> 7102'} %}
{% set connection_tags = {'uart0': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}
In the health check we just want to pull some standard images and deploy them with tftp, then login and run smoke tests by Linaro. The current health job looks like this:
device_type: bcm2711-rpi-4-b
job_name: RPI-01 (Raspbian) Health Check
minutes: 10
minutes: 2
minutes: 10
priority: medium
visibility: public
- deploy:
minutes: 10
to: tftp
url: https://storage.kernelci.org/mainline/master/v5.11/arm64/defconfig/clang-10…
type: image
url: https://storage.kernelci.org/images/rootfs/buildroot/kci-2020.05/arm64/base…
compression: gz
url: https://storage.kernelci.org/mainline/master/v5.11/arm64/defconfig/clang-10…
compression: xz
url: https://storage.kernelci.org/mainline/master/v5.11/arm64/defconfig/clang-10…
os: oe
- boot:
minutes: 2
method: u-boot
commands: ramdisk
- 'pi@raspberrypi:~$'
login_prompt: 'raspberrypi login:'
username: pi
password_prompt: 'Password:'
password: 1234567890
- sudo su
- test:
- {from: git, name: smoke-tests, path: lava-test-shell/smoke-tests-basic.yaml,
repository: 'http://git.linaro.org/lava-team/lava-functional-tests.git'}
timeout: {minutes: 5}
But with this we are having issues when the DUT is supposed to reboot because we get stuck at the login prompt. First problem is probably the auto_login, we
have defined username and password, but for the password definition we get this problem:
Can you explain, what we are doing wrong?
Then LAVA is sending the reboot commands but those always seem to fail at the login. The Error looks somewhat like this:
Does this have to do with the deployment through tftp or is it the autologin? Also the login and password prompts won't get recognized
and are not filled in.
Can you tell us, what we are doing wrong?
Expleo Germany GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft | Corporate Headquarters: M?nchen
Handelsregister | Commercial Register: Amtsgericht M?nchen HRB 83252
Gesch?ftsf?hrung | Management: Ralph Gillessen, Marcus Ganguin
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Hi all,
I am using the docker-compose solution to run a master: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/pkg/docker-compose
I was wondering how to extract a backup of the DB, and re-inject it in a different instance.
I found that postgres image has its own "restore" mechanism, based on initdb.d folder, as mentioned in the documentation:
The entrypoint.sh script (https://github.com/docker-library/postgres/blob/master/docker-entrypoint.sh) handles the restore whenever the folder is /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ contains a .sql file.
But when we store a backup in the container's /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ folder, and remove both the postgres image and its db-data volume, we get this error on next start:
ERROR: database "lavaserver" already exists
Full startup log attached.
- Does Linaro's docker-compose solution modify postgres restore mechanism in any way?
- How do you handle backup/restore at linaro?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Philippe Mazet
NXP Semiconductors - Edge Processing
Email: philippe.mazet(a)nxp.com
Dear LAVA-Users,
We are trying to integrate a new device into our LAVA infrastructure, apart from our work with Raspberry Pis. We still lack experience with LAVA and I wanted to reach out to the community for some help with the setup.
The Device we want to integrate is a QC-DB-P10003 from mouser with Android 9 and the following specifications:
Also here<https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/515-QC-DB-P10003/> a link to the product page, which contains the complete data sheet for the device.
Does someone have experience with this device and can give some advice on how to create a device templates or if there is already one available in LAVA which would work.
Also tips for defining a device dictionary and test jobs to run Android on this device are very welcome. Has anyone maybe configured a similar device and can suggest us some
Steps on how to proceed.
Kind Regards,
Expleo Germany GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft | Corporate Headquarters: M?nchen
Handelsregister | Commercial Register: Amtsgericht M?nchen HRB 83252
Gesch?ftsf?hrung | Management: Ralph Gillessen, Marcus Ganguin
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It looks only the scripts in "lava_dispatcher\lava_test_shell" will be overlayed to rootfs when lava do deploy.
So, my question is:
If we have some way in job to define a script file location: e.g. http://site/a.sh, then lava could also fetch the http://site/a.sh, then overlay it to rootfs?
Does lava has such kinds of manipulate rootfs function already? Or I have to put this scripts in the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatch/lava_test_shell of every worker?
Hello, I have a question about "count" in lava multinode, for next:
count: 2
device_type: xxx
What does "count" mean? I know the job will only be scheduled if there are 2 "xxx" based device idle.
But, after that, how I could use one device do one task, and use another device to do another task? How can I assign different tasks to the 2 devices with the same devicetype?
device xxx1 based on xxx
device xxx2 based on xxx
Then xxx1 run "ls" while xxx2 run "uname"?
We upgrade lava 2018 to 2021, we met the problem when we submit jobs:
Job error: Invalid job data: ['Device not configured to support serial connection.', 'Device not configured to support serial connection.']
Hi Lava Users,
After upgrading to LAVA 2021.01, we are facing an issue of jobs not completing/exiting (once submitted) and getting stuck in "Running" state, doesn't matter if the job is successful or unsuccessful/incomplete/fail. After sometime if we try to cancel the job it gets stuck in "Cancelling" state. Due to this the device gets blocked and subsequent jobs are sent to "Scheduled" state.
Now only possible solution to free up the device, is to delete the job from LAVA administration
LAVA Administration > Test jobs (under lava_scheduler_app) > {job id} > Delete .
Though this way the device is recovered but the whole job gets deleted.
I have tried with different boot and deploy methods like nfs, uuu, ums, and minimal. In all cases I am getting similar issue.
This issue is only observed while using imx devices.
Ssh based jobs are working properly and also other x86 based devices while booting through minimal method.
I have attached screenshot of the jobs (Lava-job-begin.PNG and Lava-job-end.PNG).
What can be the issue here ?