Hi Joachim,


Sorry for late inputs, here are additional issues we think should be targeted for ToolboxV2:

#662 Are we able to "link" multiple cprojects thinking build process

 #82 Source patterns have to be supported (as well as related excluded ones)

#376 Permissive project list for csolution.yml

#557 Issues with output-dirs




Eric Finco



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Eric FINCO | Tel: +33 (0)2 4402 7154

MDG | Technical Specialist

Fellow, Technical Staff College (TSC) France Board Chairman



-----Original Appointment-----
From: Bill Fletcher <bill.fletcher@linaro.org>
Sent: lundi 12 septembre 2022 13:07
To: Bill Fletcher; mark.hicken@arm.com; Laurent MEUNIER; Daniel Brondani; Bartek Szatkowski; Marcelo Salazar; Jonatan Antoni; Abhishek Pandit; Joachim Krech; Graham Hammond; Mark Goodchild; mgoodner@microsoft.com; Reinhard Keil; Jaeden Amero; Mark Edgeworth; evgueni.driouk@arm.com; Rob Moran; john.penn@arm.com; Wen Chou; luis.tonicha@linaro.org; Mathias Brossard; Matthew Gordon; Chris Reed; Samuel Taylor; Kyle Dando; Frederic RUELLE; open-cmsis-pack-dev@op-lists.linaro.org; stanislav.poboril@nxp.com; Tarek BOCHKATI; Petr Hradsky; David Jurajda; Holt Sun; mario.pierro@iar.com; reed.hinkel@linaro.org
Subject: Open-CMSIS-Pack WG Meeting
When: mardi 21 février 2023 15:00-16:00 Europe/London.
Where: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/j/98302382714?pwd=SVdtS0ZGWlg1cXVBRU9JUkpNa21CUT09


Open-CMSIS-Pack WG Meeting

Bill Fletcher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting** Note Zoom coordinates have changed **Join Zoom Meetinghttps://linaro-org.zoom.us/j/98302382714?pwd=SVdtS0ZGWlg1cXVBRU9JUkpNa21CUT09Meeting I



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Weekly from 15:00 to 16:00 on Tuesday (United Kingdom Time)



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Bill Fletcher- organiser

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