I just got my membership in the https://github.com/MCU-Driver-HAL github organization. Previously, there were no public members of this organization listed, so I had no idea to whom to address regarding that.
That's what I'd like to suggest to fix, by making our memberships public, so we know who's already on this project, can contact each other, and allow people interested in the project to do the same.
To update your membership visibility, please go to https://github.com/orgs/MCU-Driver-HAL/people , and change Private/Public dropdown besides your account name in the table. (I already did that.)
For comparison, you can see the original ARMmbed organization, many memberships in which are public.
FYI, current members of MCU-Driver-HAL are:
Benjamin Copeland bhcopeland Evelyne Donnaes evedon Fathi Boudra fboudra Kumar Gala galak Qinghao Shi jamesbeyond Marcelo Salazar MarceloSalazar Paul Sokolovsky pfalcon-linaro Anmar Oueja situmam
Thanks, Paul
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