Hello Team,
My name is guru. i am very new to lava and i am very much interested using lava concept for embedded linux boards for auto deployment and testing concepts.
I tried to setup the lava for bbb device. i have followed below steps for that.
(jessie-backport) 2016.
Note : i am not using pduclient. i am using my own script for control
but it is not working while executing the hard_reset command on lava..
find the log for more details.
controlled relay from VM host machine(debian).
for that i made my own custom script to on.off,reset serial python code
for controlling the relay.
definition job attached.
I have taken the below json for reference. https://git.linaro.org/lava-team/lava-functional-tests.
Help me out to boot the BBB using lava.
Regards, Guru
On 4 April 2017 at 14:54, guru moorthi guru.elinux@gmail.com wrote:
For some reason, your email to the list does not contain the attachments.
OK. There is an update available in the lava repositories:
That is a V1 configuration file, you should be looking only at V2 configuration at this stage, support for V1 is being removed soon. (See details on the lava-announce mailing list archive: https://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/lava-announce/2016-December/000022.html)
Just a recommendation, scripts which are not part of the main distribution on the worker, like your reset.sh and off.sh should not go into /usr/bin as this can interfere with package upgrades on your system. Use /usr/local/bin/ which is in the PATH.
e.g., for V2:
{% extends 'beaglebone-black.jinja2' %} {% set connection_command = 'telnet localhost 7101' %} {% set hard_reset_command = '/usr/local/lab-scripts/snmp_pdu_control --hostname pdu15 --command reboot --port 11' %} {% set power_off_command = '/usr/local/lab-scripts/snmp_pdu_control --hostname pdu15 --command off --port 11' %} {% set power_on_command = '/usr/local/lab-scripts/snmp_pdu_control --hostname pdu15 --command on --port 11' %}
Look at the standard V2 test jobs for a V2 example.
From the log you attached to me prior to sending to the list:
BOOTP broadcast 2 BOOTP broadcast 3 BOOTP broadcast 4 BOOTP broadcast 5 BOOTP broadcast 6 BOOTP broadcast 7 BOOTP broadcast 8 BOOTP broadcast 9 BOOTP broadcast 10
Retry count exceeded; starting again
BBB needs a working ethernet connection, with a working DHCP server on the network, to be able to deploy any files using TFTP.
Please double check the networking for the BBB and attach a new (V2) log file when you reply to the list.