I plan to install the 2021.10 lava-dispatcher instead of the 2021.11 latest version.
I am unable to install the 2021.10 lava-dispatcher version but able to install 2021.11 using "apt install lava-dispatcher"
Is there any way to install the 2021.10 lava-dispatcher at this time? Or do we always need to install the latest versions?
Regards, koti
On Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 05:59, koti kotisoftwaretest@gmail.com wrote:
It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version, unless there's a valid reason to avoid upgrading: For instance, the latest release is 2020.12 and we expect another release in January. On the next OS update, it will upgrade the LAVA packages automatically.
If you want to stick to a specific version you need to pin the package beforehand and put the packages on hold (see apt-mark)
The other option will be to avoid using your package manager and use the containers: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/pkg/docker-compose
In that case, the .env file allows you to control which version to use (by default, it's latest): https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/pkg/docker-compose/-/blob/master/.env#L3 https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/pkg/docker-compose#configuration-simple-fo...
On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 10:34:59AM +0100, Fathi Boudra wrote:
Beyond the options that Fathi already presented, there is some work in the backlog to change the repository to keep older versions of the .deb packages around. This should happen in the next months.
On Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 18:40, Antonio Terceiro antonio.terceiro@linaro.org wrote:
I see a couple error emails in lava_users list after upgrading the next/latest versions.
If I installed one lava-dispatcher version last month (let say with 2021.10) and want to install the 2nd/new Lava-dispatcher with the same version in this month also. That is my goal. (I fell that there might be errors/issues popup if our lava-dispatcher have different versions )