Hello everyone,
I am trying to use lava with a custom script[1]. Previously, my test was used as a shell script (using exit) and I updated it to be a custom script to be able to use "skip" result.
I ran a job and I got this error: /lava-854766/0/tests/1_custom-tests/run.sh: line 1: ####: not found
It seems to be linked with my echo of "#### Starting NAND test ####" [2].
Here is the yaml used: https://github.com/free-electrons/test_suite/blob/master/tests/custom.yaml
the source of the script: https://github.com/free-electrons/test_suite/blob/master/scripts/nand.sh
the jinja file: https://github.com/free-electrons/custom_tests_tool/blob/master/src/jobs_tem...
and some part of the output when the test ran and failed: http://code.bulix.org/ca3mc7-254957?raw
As I am new to LAVA, I have probably missed something. On the current test example [3], it seems that there is no output using "echo". Is it possible that my "echo" leads to this error? It is possible to print messages in a custom script, right?
[1]: https://validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/writing-tests.html#writing-cust... [2]: https://github.com/free-electrons/test_suite/blob/master/scripts/nand.sh#L9 [3]: https://git.linaro.org/lava-team/refactoring.git/tree/functional/unittests.s...
Thank you in advance for your help,
Best regards,
On 4 January 2018 at 08:16, Mylene JOSSERAND < mylene.josserand@free-electrons.com> wrote:
Why are you trying to use a subshell here? - $(./scripts/$TEST.sh $DEVICE)
Just use:
- ./scripts/$TEST.sh $DEVICE
Also, attach the full job definition, it could be a problem with the shell interpreter being used.
Le Thu, 4 Jan 2018 08:24:13 +0000, Neil Williams neil.williams@linaro.org a écrit :
Thank you for your quick reply!
Hum, indeed. I followed the documentation[1] but it is true that the unnittests example is using the script directly.
Also, attach the full job definition, it could be a problem with the shell interpreter being used.
Here is the job description:
On 4 January 2018 at 08:41, Mylene JOSSERAND < mylene.josserand@free-electrons.com> wrote:
I asked for the job definition - what gets submitted. The description does indicate that you are using: os: oe
for the deployment, so *all* your test scripts *must* be fully compatible with the restricted busybox ash compatability - bash and dash functionality cannot be guaranteed. If bash or dash are installed, you can change each script to use that.
It looks like the source command is going wrong - try echoing before line 7 and again after it.
Le Thu, 4 Jan 2018 09:04:52 +0000, Neil Williams neil.williams@linaro.org a écrit :
I think it is the correct job definition now: http://code.bulix.org/91l41f-254991?raw
Okay, I have just tried without the "source" command and it is working fine. I guess that "source" is not available in "busybox ash".
Thank you for the help.
Best regards, Mylène