In my LAVA pipeline I have the following snippet:
- to:
method: email
mail: diego.russo(a)arm.com
status: finished
verbosity: verbose
When the job ends though I'm not receiving any email. I've looked at the documentation, but I couldn’t find anything about mail configuration. Logs also are not very helpful to debug this issue.
How/where can I configure the email client? I'm also interested in changing the "from:" field.
Diego Russo
Staff Software Engineer - diego.russo(a)arm.com
Direct Tel. no: +44 1223 405920
Main Tel. no: +44 1223 400400
ARM Ltd. CPC1, Capital Park, Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, CB21 5XE, United Kingdom
http://www.diegor.co.uk - http://twitter.com/diegorhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/diegor
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.
Hello Lava-Users,
I have UEFI based x86 target board which I want to connect to LAVA and
execute tests.
When I go through
https://validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/integrate-uefi.html it
specifies different mechanism available.I am confused here as I am not
completely clear on differences between systems mentioned.
If I just know UEFI implementations method of target is it enough to select
which method can be used for booting.
What are the things I need to know before concluding the method to be used
for booting x86 based target board?
Where I work, we've been using LAVA since 2014 to test our in-house Linux distribution. Our devices are typically "low-end" devices with 128 to 256 MB RAM and up to 512 MB NAND flash. We use LAVA to test our BSPs, e.g lots of connectivity/interface/IO tests. We also use it for stability-testing and performance testing (like measuring the application context switch time or Ethernet TX rates).
For a while, there has been a growing concern within our team that LAVA might not be ideal for our testing needs. Right now, the team is discussing if we should drop LAVA and use something else. There is even talks about developing our own test framework. I personally like the idea behind LAVA but also agree that it has been a bumpy road these past 4 years. Due to various bugs and missing features, we've several times been forced to upgrade to an unstable version of LAVA just to get normal operations working. Two times we've lost the entire test database because we were unable to recover from a LAVA upgrade. In those cases, it was easier for us to just "start over". Today we use LAVA 2018.02. I've compiled a list that summarize the most pressing issues we've experience with LAVA:
1. Test development is slow. Several members of my team avoids test development because the process of developing a test with LAVA is tedious / very timeconsuming. I think it mostly boils down to making a change, pushing it to a Git repo, submitting a job, running the job and then watching the LAVA job output for result. This will in our environment take several minutes, just to verify a change in a test.
I'm aware of the guidelines for making portable tests and I personally think we can be a lot better at it for single-node tests which could enable us to run testscripts on local devices, but we have also quite a number of multinode jobs that we find are difficult to run in any other environment than LAVA. We've also tried using hacksessions to speed up development (e.g you edit the tests on the DUT and then synchronize it back to your host once you're happy). This works quite well, but feels a bit hacky and if the hacksession timeout hits, you lose all your work ;-)
2. Can't test bootloaders. Several of our hardware contain FPGAs and the FPGA images / "firmware" is tightly bundled with the bootloader. In addition to configuring the FPGA, the bootloader also contains in-house developed code for firmware update that we would like to autotest. We have a _lot_ of bootloader variants and we need a way of testing it along with the Linux system. Our current setup is that we manually flash bootloaders in our LAVA lab and then cross our fingers that the Linux system we test on the device is compatible with the bootloader. The ideal situation for us would be to always test the Linux system and the matching bootloader together. Granted, the better solution would be to move away the FPGA loading from the bootloader, but this is a design chosen by our SoC provider and we prefer to keep it.
We also manage a "LTS" branch of our Linux distro. We support it for several years and we need to ensure our test setup can test both our "master" branch and our LTS branch. With our current setup, this is not possible because all devices in our lab runs a bootloader that was manually flashed at some arbitrary time.
We've considered setting up several hardware of the same type, but with different bootloaders and then let LAVA treat them as different device types. This would work but our lab would fill up fast and the usage of each device would be low.
We also tried making jobs that boot a golden Linux system, write the software under test (including bootloader), reboot and run tests. This did work, but required customization per device since the test has to know where to write the bootloader. We would rather put this information into the LAVA device type definition somehow.
3. Can't write to NAND. Our devices are NAND-based and we use UBIFS ontop of UBI. We have not found a way for LAVA to write NAND because the LAVA mechanism that embeds stuff into the rootfs before deployment doesn't support UBIFS. At the moment, we ramboot our devices but we are now at a point where our devices OOM because they don't have enough RAM to fit both the rootfs and running the tests. Our current solution is to split the job into several jobs that each run a smaller amount of tests, but this is less than ideal because it makes our test run slower (we need to reboot) and it is a bit annoying that test results are spread across several jobs.
We have our own deployment tool that would be nice to integrate into LAVA as a deployment method. It accepts a kernel, rootfs, DT and bootloader and will write it using TFTP or DFU (USB) depending on target. To avoid forking all of LAVA in order to implement such deploy method, is there any plugin architecture that allows us to install additional boot methods alongside the LAVA packages?
I'd love to get your views on these issues and if there is a solution when using LAVA.
Best regards, Magnus.
Hello Lava-Users,
We are running tests on imxqsaberlite target in LAVA .The Lava version
that we are using is 2018.4 release.
We are facing 2 issues
1.Related to auto_login section in boot action.When we are specifying the
username as root in auto_login section sometimes out of 5 tries once the
root is getting changed as "oroot" due to which test execution is failing
Following is the boot action part of job definition
- boot:
namespace: nfs_boot
repeat: 3
method: u-boot
commands: nfs
login_prompt: 'login:'
username: root
- 'root@mx6q:~#'
minutes: 10
Following is the job log output
Matched prompt #6: login: Sending username root root mx6q login:root
auto-login-action: Wait for prompt ['root@mx6q:~#', 'Login incorrect',
'Login timed out'] (timeout 00:07:24) orot
2.Related to the Repeat action block of LAVA
We are trying to use repeat action in boot action part of job definition as
we want to repeat booting of the target 3 times.Issue we are facing is it
is not stopping at the end of 3 iterations of boot and it is continuing
till the timeout specified duration of the job.
Hi Dan,
>Here's an example of generating lava templates using jinja2. It's probably more complicated than you need.
>for a directory of templates, and see
>for the python code that does the generation. Lastly, you can run https://git.linaro.org/ci/job/configs.git/tree/openembedded-lkft/test_submi…
>and it will generate all of the YAML files into "./tmp".
>Like I said, this is likely more complicated than you are looking for. I suggest starting simpler using https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jinja2-cli/0.6.0.
Thank you, that really helps a lot. We want to trigger the LAVA jobs from Jenkins as well, and we need lots of metadata because the tests will be part of our release notes in the end. So no, this is definitely not more complicated than we need. In fact, this is a very good starting point for us.
You should think about adding a chapter to the LAVA documentation about how to generate YAML job submissions via templates. I assume we are not the only ones facing this problem. And I had basically no experience with jinja2 at all before evaluating LAVA, so I would not have come up with the idea of using this mechanism for the job submissions myself.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Tim Jaacks
Garz & Fricke GmbH
Tempowerkring 2
21079 Hamburg
Direct: +49 40 791 899 - 55
Fax: +49 40 791899 - 39
Sitz der Gesellschaft: D-21079 Hamburg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 60514
Geschäftsführer: Matthias Fricke, Manfred Garz
I am getting the below error while adding device-dictionary for my device "xyz" for my worker "worker"
$ sudo lava-tool device-dictionary http://worker@url/RPC2/ xyz --update xyz.jinja2
Updating device dictionary for xyz on http://worker@url/RPC2/
<Fault 400: 'Unable to store the configuration for xyz on disk'>
Please help.
Hi LAVA mainters,
Nice to meet you.
I want to add my pub key after LAVA installed container.
But I don't which parameters should I need add in my job xx.yaml file.
Could you give me some help and advice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some part information of my xx.yaml file: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- deploy:
minutes: 300
to: lxc
os: ubuntu
packages: [python, wget, unzip, python-pexpect, python-serial, openssh-server]
- boot:
- '[root(a)(.*) /]#'
minutes: 300
method: lxc
- test:
minutes: 300
- run:
lava-test-shell: echo "------------------------------------- debug 1 -----------------------"
lava-test-shell: wget --no-proxy -q http://otcpkt.bj.intel.com/downloads/pubkey/sys_oak.zip
lava-test-shell: mkdir -p ~/.ssh
lava-test-shell: unzip sys_oak.zip -d ~/.ssh
- repository: ssh://sys_oak@git-amr-4.devtools.intel.com:29418/pk_osi_test-source.git
from: git
path: <device>/<test_type>_lxc.yaml
name: <test_type>-<device>
BUILD_NUMBER: <build_number>
IMAGE_URL: <image_url>
PRODUCT: <build_name>
IRC_USER: "sys_oak"
PUB_KEY: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCDJvT5UPE***************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some part information of my xx.yaml file: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Best Regards
Zhanghui Yuan
OTC Production Kernel Integration Test
We are doing boot regression test using (in DB{410,820}c) an Android boot
image that contains a ramdisk [1].
We aim to do functional testing in a way that if the basic testing fails
the next test definition dosen't run, that's implies dependencies over
-test entries in the job [2].
Does LAVA test shell provides this kind of functionality?
If not, any idea to achieve this functionality.
[1] https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/1884978/definition
The LAVA software team created a document to summarise the experience, so
far, of automating devices for validation and that document formed the
basis of a presentation at Linaro Connect in Hong Kong earlier this year by
Steve McIntyre.
The content has been living inside a wiki within Linaro but there have been
delays in making the URL visible to anonymous viewers. I have therefore
migrated the content to my blog:
A link to the presentation is included.
Available under CC BY-SA 3.0 and shortly to appear on planet.debian.org
Please share with anyone involved in designing hardware which is likely to
end up on your desk for automation support and anyone else who may be
interested in the hardware challenges of device automation.
A second shorter post on Firmware Best Practices will follow - some of the
elements of that document were also covered in the presentation at Connect.
Neil Williams
发件人: Neil Williams [mailto:neil.williams@linaro.org]
发送时间: 2018年6月26日 16:25
收件人: Chenchun (coston) <chenchun7(a)huawei.com>
抄送: Lava Users Mailman list <lava-users(a)lists.linaro.org>; Lixuan (F) <joe.lixuan(a)huawei.com>; Fengguilin (Alan) <fengguilin(a)huawei.com>; yangjianxiang <yangjianxiang(a)huawei.com>; Yewenzhong (jackyewenzhong) <jack.yewenzhong(a)huawei.com>; Liyuan (Larry, Turing Solution) <Larry.T(a)huawei.com>; zengmeifang <zengmeifang(a)huawei.com>; pangbo (A) <pangbo6(a)huawei.com>; liuchunfeng (A) <liuchunfeng2(a)huawei.com>; Zhangyi ac <zhangyi.ac(a)huawei.com>
主题: Re: [Lava-users] Some problem I met in Setting up CI environment using Lava2
On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 at 09:08, Chenchun (coston) <chenchun7(a)huawei.com<mailto:chenchun7@huawei.com>> wrote:
Hi all
Problem 1:
I find Lava2 re-download Test case repository if more than two test suite needed test in a lava job. Personal think this is waste of time. How can I make lava download Test
case repository only once in a lava job ( ps : all of our test suite in some repository) .I want to know lava can do or cant not do, if can please tell me how to do THX.
Not currently supported. We already support shallow clones by default and you can use the history option to remove the .git directory if you are short of space.
We have looked at various options for this support - none were reliable across all devices & test jobs at scale.
Not due to short of space But spent so many time to re-download
Problem 2:
As all we know lava must install os before execute the test task in standard procedure. But in our practical application we find no need mechanical implementation of the
Process. In some case, we just need install os only ones and repeated test, even we install manually os and just use lava to do test. We want lava2 like M-lab install os and
execute test task uncoupling. we met the problems : can not judge the os installed in DUT(device under test ) whether is our SUT(system under test). All caused by very little
information can we read from DUT. I want to know how can I uncoupling install system and execute test ,user can choose only install os 、only execute test 、install os and execute
test 、install os ones and repeat execute test ...
That is entirely down to your own test shell definitions - follow best practice for portability and then run separate test actions.
Do not use simplistic testing with the problems of persistence - each test job needs to start with a clean setup, not whatever was left behind by a previous test job.
Please explain in more detail what you are actually trying to achieve.
The test writer can already choose to install (i.e. deploy) and then test - the test job specifies deploy, boot and test actions.
*If* the test writer knows that it is then safe to run other tests, those can be added into another job by extending the list of test definitions used by the action.
Not all device-types support rebooting the device between test actions in the same test job. This is a limitation of the hardware.
We want lava more smarter. do not re-deploy system if more than two lava job show the same type system(centos、ubuntu、debian)—just deploy system ones. We
have eliminated destructive cases
problem 3:
According to your experience, optimally how many DUT can mount under a lava worker and what is a constrain bottleneck?
That depends on a wide range of factors.
* What kind of test jobs are being run on the worker?
** TFTP is lighter load, fastboot is high load (1 CPU core per fastboot device + at least 1 core for the underlying OS)
* What is the I/O performance of the worker?
** Many images need manipulation and that can produce high I/O load spikes
* Infrastructure limits play a role as well - network switch load and LAN topology.
There is no definitive answer to your question.
Start small, scale slowly and test with known good functional tests at every change.
We will try fellow the rules: Start small, scale slowly and test with known good functional tests at every change.
Lava-users mailing list
Neil Williams