Hi all,
During send-reboot-commands phase in Health check on my raspberry pi 3
LAVA is trying to match the keyword "The system is going down for reboot
NOW" after sending the reset command "reboot -n" to the DUT.
But the problem is when my board starts Reboot it shows "Started Show
Plymouth Reboot Screen .." , not the same as what LAVA want.
So is there any way to specify the keywords to what it should be("Started
Show Plymouth Reboot Screen" or something) in the corresponding DUTs jinja2
I've attached the reslult log of my test below.
Hi everyone,
I have some troubles to log in my Web UI. I type the good password and
username and then the website sends me back to the home page. If I type a
wrong password, I get an error message. It does the same thing for all user
accounts. Tried to restart lava services, apache2 but it's still doing the
same thing. No error messages returned in logs.
Best regards,
Axel Le Bourhis
Hi all,
When health check is running on my raspberry pi 3 board , in boot phase it
taking default soft reboot commands like reboot , reboot -n , reboot -nf.
which is not working with
U-boot boot type. It is showing unknown command ' reboot' .
How to set soft reboot command manually in test job definition?
Thanks & regards,
Hi everyone,
I got an issue using LAVA today. After trying to load a job page, LAVA
crashed returning PROXY ERROR. I tried to restart lava-master, lava-slave
and lava-server-gunicorn services without success. The django.log returns
an error about django tables2, saying it can't find the module. I'm running
LAVA 2018.10.
See attached log for more precision.
Best regards,
Axel Le Bourhis
Ok i'll keep that in mind.
To mailing list : I confirm this solution fixed the issue.
Kind regards,
On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 16:55, Neil Williams <neil.williams(a)linaro.org> wrote:
> Yes, please always include the mailing list in replies. When people do
> search for help in the list archives, it is frustrating to find the
> question without the solution - or even just a confirmation that the
> reply worked.
> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 15:47, Axel Lebourhis <axel.lebourhis(a)linaro.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you for the clarification. I've been able to fix the problem
> thanks to your help.
> >
> > Just a quick question : should I reply including the mailing list ?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Axel
> >
> > On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 16:08, Neil Williams <neil.williams(a)linaro.org>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 14:59, Axel Lebourhis <axel.lebourhis(a)linaro.org>
> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hi everyone,
> >> >
> >> > I just upgraded NXP's installation for DRM team from 2018.4 to
> 2018.10.
> >> > I changed my default LXC folder for storage purpose and when I was at
> 2018.4, there was a constant.py file in
> /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/utils in order to make LAVA
> know where are located LXC containers.
> >>
> >> Avoid making code changes for these kinds of settings. Constants and
> >> settings can be modified in configuration files. There is no need to
> >> alter anything in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava* - any change
> >> there will always be undone at the next package upgrade.
> >>
> >>
> https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/blob/master/etc/dispatcher.yaml#L13
> >>
> >> So on a per-worker basis, you can set the LXC_PATH
> >>
> >> This support is covered under simple administration in the LAVA help:
> >>
> https://master.lavasoftware.org/static/docs/v2/simple-admin.html#lava-server
> >>
> >> In 2018.10 release, this file doesn't exist anymore, so I'd like to
> >> know how I can specify to LAVA the correct path to LXC containers.
> >> >
> >> > Best regards,
> >> > Axel Le Bourhis
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Lava-users mailing list
> >> > Lava-users(a)lists.lavasoftware.org
> >> > https://lists.lavasoftware.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Neil Williams
> >> =============
> >> neil.williams(a)linaro.org
> >> http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/
> --
> Neil Williams
> =============
> neil.williams(a)linaro.org
> http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/
Hi everyone,
I just upgraded NXP's installation for DRM team from 2018.4 to 2018.10.
I changed my default LXC folder for storage purpose and when I was at
2018.4, there was a constant.py file in
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/utils in order to make LAVA
know where are located LXC containers. In 2018.10 release, this file
doesn't exist anymore, so I'd like to know how I can specify to LAVA the
correct path to LXC containers.
Best regards,
Axel Le Bourhis
I am having an issue adding a health-check job for a device-type using the API. I have tried doing so using both lavacli and through a python script using the xml-rpc client, but both times I get the following error:
With lavacli:
Unable to call 'device-types.health-check': <Fault 400: 'Unable to write health-check: Permission denied'>
With the python script:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./API.py", line 9, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1092, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1432, in __request
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1134, in request
return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1150, in single_request
return self.parse_response(resp)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1322, in parse_response
return u.close()
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/xmlrpc/client.py", line 655, in close
raise Fault(**self._stack[0])
xmlrpc.client.Fault: <Fault 400: 'Unable to write health-check: Permission denied'>
The user I use to authenticate the xml-rpc client has superuser privileges and I have tried using a number of different API functions (including ones which require superuser privileges like device-types add and devices add), all of which have worked with both lavacli and the python script.
I have also made sure that the name of the healthcheck file matches the device-type.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd, Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, UK. Registered in England & Wales under Registered No. 04586709.
Hi all,
I've installed lava-docker from
but I'm little confused about adding devices and device-types to it .
As described in the link above , i've edited boards.yaml file and added the
board name as follows
- name: master1
host: local
- name: admin
token: longrandomtokenadmin
password: admin
superuser: yes
staff: yes
- username: admin
token: dfjdfkfkdjfkdsjfsl
description: no description
- name: lab-slave-0
host: local
remote_master: master1
remote_user: admin
- name: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-01
type: bcm2837-rpi-3-b
idvendor: 0x0403
idproduct: 0x6001
serial: A904MHLH
after I built docker image and ran it.
i'm getting following error while loading docker images
Removing local_lab-slave-0_1
local_master1_1 is up-to-date
Recreating 5b8d2c91c519_local_lab-slave-0_1 ... error
ERROR: for 5b8d2c91c519_local_lab-slave-0_1 Cannot start service
lab-slave-0: linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information
while adding custom device "/dev/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-01": lstat
/dev/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-01: no such file or directory
ERROR: for lab-slave-0 Cannot start service lab-slave-0: linux runtime
spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device
"/dev/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-01": lstat /dev/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-01: no such file or
help me resolve this issue.
Hello Lava-users,
I am trying to run some test suites in LAVA and my test suite is organized
as below
-single script with multiple test cases
-want to have report the results from LAVA of all test cases
-don't want to depend on the return value of script which will make as test
case as PASS or FAIL
Developing test suites in shell script and using sh-test-lib and attached
is sample test script for reference.
Want to report the result of iptable_packageCheck_test and
iptable_kernel_config_test separately in LAVA framework and will be having
single script for both the test cases.
Based on above criteria which is best method of running the test script in
Following is the content of LAVA Test Shell Definition I am using
name: applications
format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0"
description: "Application tests."
- debian
- Functional
- lava-test-shell
- cd /opt/applications
- ./cron.sh
- ./iptable.sh
- . ../utils/send-to-lava.sh output/result.txt